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a/n: in the media above is an image of what scarlett's outfit looks like 💖 enjoy the chapter and thank you so much for reading :)

Before I knew it, Friday had rolled around pretty quickly as I began getting ready for the surprise that was planned by Marcus.

I honestly had no clue what to expect from him seeing as he had managed to keep whatever it was he had up his sleeve to himself without a single trace. Looking at the clock it was half past 2 which gave me just enough time to get ready. Smiling, I made my way to my closet and grabbed my new clothes I bought at the shops a couple of days ago and laid them carefully on my bed before heading upstairs to take a quick shower.

Sliding off my current clothes, I hopped into the shower and quickly rinsed as best as I could, stepping out the shower to dry myself before wrapping the cotton blue towel around my body. The furry texture felt good as it brushed against my body releasing a feel good vibe inside of me. I walked towards my room, taking my time as I knew I had plenty of time before Marcus came and gotten me.

"Okay Scarlett, you can do this." I said to myself walking into my room. Changing into the new clothes, my heart raced as I noticed myself in the mirror. I never expected that I would be able to pull of this outfit seeing as I normally don't wear casual type clothing. Spending several moments in front of the body length mirror, I took deep breaths to try to calm myself down. I know it was just a hangout with Marcus but I honestly couldn't help but feel nervous. What if I managed to make myself look like a complete idiot? I sighed, pushing the thought out of my mind when I rushed downstairs where I left my brand new pair of vibrant pink high tops that I already knew was going to go well with my outfit. I bent over and tied up my shoelaces before standing up and overheard the doorbell.

"Shit." I cussed to myself knowing that it was probably Marcus waiting for me. I quickly tied my hair up in a tight ponytail before standing in front of the door. I felt frazzled about today. Second passed and I realised I was only being stupid holding up Marcus for my minor fears. I took another deep breath and opened the door to find him standing on the doorstep. My cheeks were warming up as my eyes trailed down his body. His hair was tousled and he wore a giant smile on his face. Wearing a maroon colored hoodie and a pair of black skinny jeans with white vans as I smiled, cheekily glancing at his interesting choice of shoes.

"Damn Marcus, back at it again with them white vans." I added with a chuckle as he let out an adorable laugh looking down onto the ground before looking back up at me with wide eyes as I could feel myself blushing.

"W - w - wow Scarlett, you look absolutely beautiful." He muttered nervously as I let out another chuckle, this time more anxiously as I just shrugged my shoulders.

"This was just something I just uh threw together. You on the otherhand look like you're strutting the David Jones' runaway or something." I said giggling as Marcus scrunched his nose up before sighing, telling me to hang on for a moment, swiftly putting in front of me a beautiful looking bouquet of pink flowers as I opened my mouth in complete shock.

"Marcus, you didn't have to get me these beautiful flowers."

"I know but I wanted to, especially after my moodiness over the last few weeks."

"But that wasn't your fault -"

"I just wanted to do something special for you to show you that I am here now and that I am willing to do whatever it is that I can to be by your side." He said as I could feel myself watering up. Wiping my eyes, I sniffled, wrapping my arms tightly around Marcus as he made the hug tighter.

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