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a/n: an update because it's easton wood's 100th game tonight 😍

"Oh my god Scarlett." Gemma rushed through my house cheerfully, throwing her hands all of the place as the pages of the newspaper clattered loudly. I switched off the kettle and turned around, wondering what had gotten Gemma in such a happy mood, raising an eyebrow.

"Why are you so happy Gem? Did Starbucks start selling those spider drinks?" I asked as Gemma quickly shook her head.

"No, but holy shit that was absolutely amazing if they did although that isn't what I'm excited about." She said as she excitedly handed the newspaper that was in her hands. I was still confused but felt my eyes widen when I noticed what the front cover was.

"What the hell, that's Damien Williams on the front page of The Age newspaper. What even is this, an investigation I was in is featured on the front page of one of Australia's most popular newspapers?"

"I have no idea who Damien Williams is but oh my god Scarlett, your name is literally the main person like you were head journo of this article."

"Wait what?" I asked still in complete shock about the whole thing.

"Yes girl. I read the whole thing and oh my god it's so sophisticated. Like literally I was going through what you wrote and there was a section somewhere in there where your team members and Charlotte Matthews say some really amazing things about you which I think is a huge achievement. Also there a quite a few rather interesting people that tweeted you especially a message of congratulations."

"Who?" I asked, trying to figure out who would congratulate me.

"Well I don't know but would the names Chad Wingard, Drew Petrie and Nat Fyfe sound familiar to you?" Gemma added cheekily as I opened my mouth wide which made me feel super shocked, my mouth could have fallen off with how wide my jaw was opened. I let out an excited a cheer, feeling super proud that people were noticing the article.

"Oh my god seriously?"

"Seriously girl, you need to check your twitter notifications because god damn how many people tweeted you, even Rebecca Maddern gave you a shoutout but yeah just check twitter, there are a whole lot that would be screenshot worthy." She added as I could feel my face blushing when I grabbed my phone off the table and went on twitter to see I had gotten a large amount of followers and so many notifications that would take me a long time to go through it all. Taking a quick glance at the first lot, I did notice that Chad, Drew and Nat's tweets were there which I liked as well as replied to them as well Shane, Caleb, Lukas, Toby, Vanessa and Marcus Adams sending me congratulations. However, I could feel my heart sink when I noticed a tweet from my ex which made me feel rather uncomfortable.

@bontempelli4: congratulations on the article @swxlde17 + team. great to see you all wanting to make a change in the culture of football.

"What's wrong Scarlett?"

"Marcus." I added with a sigh as Gemma just shook her head.

"What did he say to you?"

"He just tweeted me congratulations about the article."

"Okay?" She asked confused as I just looked at her in shock.

"He said all these things to me because of that stupid article yet here he goes being nice to me. I don't understand him Gemma, what? Does he fucking enjoy playing with my emotions or something?"

"Scarlett, it's such a beautiful day today, the articles out and you are getting a whole heap of positive attention. Stop worrying about Marcus, if he really loved you then he wouldn't have been a complete dick towards you, oh."

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