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picture of the investigation crew up above ^^

Somehow word had spread around various media outlets about our secret mission. Whilst many of these organisations were pretty powerful, they weren't as strong as us to discover what we were investigating but of course that didn't stop the rumours from flooding in. Thankfully, rumours that were no where near close as to what our mission actually was.

Charlotte knew that this was likely to happen. With us covering a major scandal that involved a big sporting corporation, it was a no brainer that the public masses were likely to find out about our plans and so Charlotte had just accepted the fact and allowed us to carry on with our jobs.

Looking up at the suited up group of lawyers passing by us, I realised that they were all like a pack of wolves hunching up together with their briefcases and justice bound titles. I sighed, making eye contact with one of them. He was fairly old, about in his late sixties and staring back at me with a rather unsettling glare. I fixed the front of my blouse before looking straight away. I felt nervous with the job Charlotte had given me for this morning and whilst I knew it was going to be a difficult one, there was no way I was going to let anyone down with this.

The plan was simple. Our goal was to get information about the sports scandal that was now apparent to all of us that this wasn't just an alleged thing anymore, this was real life. Our opposition was none other than Marcello Golino. Most notorious for his emotionless glare and his persuasion skills that were enough to sweep anybody of their feet - well, almost. Since yesterday's rather long meeting with Charlotte, both myself and Olivia were ready to face the man himself and quiz him on his recent activities with players connected with the drug scandal.

Shuffling in my seat once again, I kept my eyes trailing on the tall figure walking in the distance. He too wore a suit, this one looking just as expensive as all the other ones within this building. His body radiated a kind of arrogant feel as he moved across the room, cockiness was spiralling through with each step he took. The guy - who looked about in his 40s - barley paid attention to the loved filled and jealous glares he was receiving from his colleagues, which wasn't surprising as I could tell that this is what his typical ego feed off of. Next to him was a women who walked alongside the cocky being that had unfortunately found my sight. Her red curls mindlessly bouncing along her shoulders as the pair both had stopped as the man looked up to the woman with complete arrogance written across his face.

It wasn't unlikely for me not to observe everything around me. I guess what started off as a complete accident turned into a serious habit resulting in me watching over people and depicting tiny bits of information about them - wether it was good or not - which is one of the things that had gotten me into the field of journalism in the first place.

Lustfully, her fingers wrapping across his arm as he turned to face him. I couldn't tell what they were talking about since the man's back was facing me but I noticed that whatever he had said to her wasn't something that the woman didn't want to hear as the man moved away from her, revealing an angered scowl worn on her face before she stormed off in the opposite direction.

Olivia's soft tone emerged from beside me as I broke my gaze from the overly dramatic scene in front of me and turned to face my brunette colleague who seemed to have a worrying expression on her face.

"Are you alright Scarlett?" She asked me, startling me for a slight moment as I tried to quickly think of a reasonable answer for her.

"Yeah, I'm just a little nervous about how the meetings going to go. What about you?"

"I don't know, I suppose I'm just filled with doubts right now. What happens if we don't get the information we need from Golino? He's been a representative for a lot of footballers and important people within sport, he's bound to take his work seriously."

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