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I sat on the train watching the trees pass by as the carrier rushed past. The events of last night were replaying over in my mind, watching his eyes lose it usual sparkle it usually had and knowing that I was the reason to leave him feeling shattered absolutely killed me. I knew that I was probably overreacting but deep down I know how much of an issue it would be if we were to be in a relationship, there was just something about the idea of a reporter being romantically involved with a professional athlete.

Abby, Nicki and Crystal have texted me on several occasions asking what was going on but of course I just ignored the texts knowing that I needed time to clear my mind. A couple of the boys have called me seeing if there was any improvements with Marcus. Of course I knew what exactly was going on but it wouldn't be fair on either of us to be going around telling each other our problems.

I had just came back from a meeting with an assistant coach of a local football academy who spent time with me talking about the group of guys who he believes can be a powerful asset to a majority of the football clubs. During the conversation, I found it hard to keep myself focused on the task. I managed to take some notes but today my heart just wasn't as into the interview as it normally would be. And regrettably, I slipped up one time letting out a sniffle as I could feel the coach's glare on me.

"Uh, Miss Wilde?" He asked as I tried to push the thought out of my mind, looking up to face the elderly man who had paused his conversation. I wriggled my nose, forcing on a smile on my face.

"Please forgive me Mr Ludwig. I really don't want to admit this but I'm just a little bit under the weather. Don't stress, I promise it isn't contagious." I lied, adding a chuckle on the end to cover up my mistake which I was thankful that he believed, carrying on with the interview.

I could feel the bus slowing down as I looked at my phone to see I had a whole heap of text messages from the girls and a couple of the boys.

The bell rang signalling that the bus had stopped at one of the drop off zones, I got up from the seat and began making my way to the exit. I looked over to my right and smiled, thanking the bus driver who had returned the favour before I walked down the steps and stopped on the grass taking in the cool breeze.

Walking down the footpath, I felt bad for Marcus seeing as I just turned him down without an answer but it was more than just a rejection, it was a kind of fear that I really found it hard to explain. Right now, I wasn't sure about my feelings for him. I really do like him, but did I like him enough to risk everything and get into a relationship with him?

The air was getting really cold as I could feel small droplets of water dropping onto my bare arms, holding my jacket in my arms. The streets around me was crowded with lots of people which wasn't much of a surprise seeing that the city streets weren't exactly meant to be quiet.

I got a few glances from people but that could have been because they were in a rush as they normally would be.

My black heels clicked heavily against the concerted footpath as I let out a sigh pulling out my phone seeing that I had gotten a new text.

Derrick: I'm really sorry about what happened, I had absolutely no right to say the things I said to you and I feel bad knowing that I made you lose trust in me.

I rolled my eyes, ignoring his text as I shoved the phone in my pocket. Out everyone I didn't want to speak to at the moment, Derrick was probably the person I'd least wanna speak with. Why would he think I would just drop everything and accept his apology after his attitude towards me the other? I couldn't have cared less if it was in the heat of a moment because he made it seem like he was siding with the others.

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