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My heart picked up its pace as I stared down the long and rather isolated locker room.

Taking small and cautious steps, I looked around the room, scanning the area to make sure that nobody was here. What I was doing at Whiten Oval late at night was something I bet not even the heavens above could think of an answer for.

The warmth of the air crawled against the exposed skin of the orange strapless shirt I was wearing. My body tingled with fear as I took a deep breath, wondering what on earth I was getting myself into. My lips quivered. My stomach had suddenly felt as if my insides were being tied together, similar to rope being pulled into a knot. I ignored the sudden feeling of my eyes beginning to water as I merged closer towards the hunched over body sitting on a bench.

My eyes trailing on the body as I could feel myself becoming closer towards the silent presence whom was immediately beginning to look familiar.

"Marcus." I yelled out, surprisingly noticing that the figure in front of me had barley moved a muscle, if he had actually moved a muscle. I called out his name again and once again got no answer as I walked up quickly to him. I stared at him with wide eyes, feeling frustrated with the way Marcus was behaving right now.

"What is wrong with you Marcus? How can you just sit there and say absolutely nothing when I have been crying out for you attention?" I said, slightly raising my tone as I watched the disgust spread across Marcus' face, who looked to be doing everything he can to avoid making any eye contact with me.

"Why do you have to be so stubborn right now when all I am trying to do is talk with you and only?" I yelled as Marcus turned his body away from me, my eyes beginning to water up as my heart raced quite quickly.

What was the problem with Marcus?

Why was he behaving the way he was?

Questions about his bizarre behavior rushed through my mind as I moved myself closer towards him. I looked into his eyes and felt scared with the expressionless look that was worn upon his face. I let out a soft sob when suddenly I could feel his grip on my wrist, making me let out a painful cry. Locking eyes with Marcus, I could notice a fiery type of glare looking back at me. Sharp, heaved breaths escaped from Marcus' lips as my mouth opened slightly in fear.

"You shouldn't be here Scarlett, you should never have been here ever. It's not safe for someone like you to be here."

"Marcus please, these words you're saying are scaring me. What are you even talking about? I came here just for you." I pleaded as he pulled my body to face the other way, a slight cry coming out of my mouth.

"I should have never let you in my life in the first place. I should have known better to let someone like you into a life like this, you don't deserve this. You don't deserve any of this." He sharply added as I was soon taken back by his words. I didn't deserve any of this? Was this his way of breaking things off with me?

"Marcus, you know you don't mean those words you say. I - I love you Marcus and I always have, pushing me away isn't going to do either of us much good -"

"Scarlett, just go, just go and don't go anywhere near me. The idea of the two of us being together was a mistake, the idea of us being romantically involved together should have never happened in the first, it was stupid to even think we had a chance to get very far in this." Marcus shouted, cutting me off suddenly as I could feel myself breaking down in tears. My head felt lightheaded as I tried to get Marcus to calm down and try to think about what he was saying.

"I can't just go Marcus because I love you. I love you and you out of all people should know that I would want to do anything to see you smile again." I pleaded as the grip on my wrist became tighter, my body being pushed towards the exit of the locker room.

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