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I quietly leaned against the wall as I awaited for the right time to confront the main problem to my madness. Checking the time, it was already half past two, the time Derrick would have usually been back from his lunch break and today was no exception. Trailing my eyes along his messy desk scattered with piles of paperwork, I felt a cover shiver rush down my back as he slid his finger along the edge of the envelope that he had just closed. My mind was racing with a million thoughts but I knew that this was something that had to be done.

Last night, I managed to convince Vanessa and Jordan to help me devise a plan to get the justice I deserve for suffering in the hands of my ex boss, Derrick Johnson. At first I was hesitant because it sounded like a risky way that would have backfired but after time spent letting me know that this was the best choice, I had to admit that Vanessa and Jordan had done pretty impressive points.

Caleb had managed to track down a head investigator that deals with defamation cases and I felt relieved to hear that we had a case on our hands. As the investigator told me the potential outcome of the end of this, I couldn't help but burst into tears. Not because of what had happened to me so far but because I finally was going to feel free and break away from the monster who had rid me of my happiness. I still remember as I cried into Caleb's chest, his arm warmly wrapping around me as I felt a huge weight being moved off my chest. It was a beautiful moment to know that Derrick was going to get what he deserved right from the beginning.

Giving one glance at Derrick, I carefully sighed as best as I could with making him notice that I was standing outside of his office window. Pulling up my phone, I found Caleb's number and texted him to let him know what was going on.

Scarlett: Derrick's in his office, about to confront him. Whenever you are ready to execute the plan with the others, just go for it. I will be waiting.

I hesitated for a moment, trying to clear my mind as I felt my phone buzz in my hands, feeling my body shake with nervousness. I wiped the tears from my eyes and read the reply from Caleb.

Caleb: We're all gathering together, the police are on their way now with the detective. Go now Scarlett and remember whatever happens, we'll always be here for you. I'm proud of you Scarlett xx 

I read the message and put my phone back as I paused for a moment before barging through Derrick's office who had just looked up at me and casually just smiled at me.

"Good morning Miss Wilde, glad to see you haven't forgotten about me. After our last chat, I was fearful that you might have just forgotten that I existed."

"Oh please, there was no way I could forget a complete psychopath like you Derrick -"

"Shh baby, there's no need for you to get so vicious. You know that I truly care for you Scarlett and would anything to see you happy." He added, a pathetic smirk worn across his face as I just rolled my eyes and folded my arms angrily.

"Just drop the fucking game Derrick, I know about your pathetic attempt at trying to rid me from the industry. I know you sided with Michael Talia so you could ruin me, I know you wrote that article to come between Marcus and myself and I know that you intentionally wanted to hurt me. "

"Scarlett, you know I would, ever hurt you. I truly care about you and just wanted you to see that going into territory that doesn't concern has some serious consequences which I'm glad that you see now."

Smoke and Mirrors (Smoke #1)Where stories live. Discover now