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I stood near the training track in front of the stadium stands with Toby watching the Western Bulldogs VFL train as part as an upcoming article I was to be writing for The Autograph. Since I haven't been spending much time in my office to work on things for the newspaper, Charlotte had allowed me to come here and do a few features so that Derrick wouldn't become suspicious of either of us.

Holding a digital camera and a notebook in one hand, I watched the boys run through various training drills as I took a couple of photos that I thought could be used for an article. I had already spoken to the coach seeing that the VFL league was nearing closer towards the semi finals of the competition and already had given a warning to all the other teams that Footscray were a team to watch and a potential threat to the other teams.

Toby, who was standing beside me, had helped me with the features by chatting with some of the boys in the team and since he had played for the side before getting chosen for the national league, I knew I was in rather good hands.

Putting my head upwards after taking down a couple of notes, I noticed Mark Austin walking towards me. I smiled and waved to him, remembering him from when I saw him during the first date I had with Marcus.

"Hey Mark." I exclaimed as he smirked and replied back. He was currently wearing a team hoodie and track pants as I looked at him confused, wondering if he was injuries due to outfit that he sported on.

"Hey, you're Marcus' girl aren't ya?" He said as I just awkwardly nodded my head and plastered on a fake smile.

"Uh yeah, right you are Mark. You finished for the day? Isn't it a little too early Mark?" I asked, quickly changing the topic of my relationship with Marcus.

"Yeah, unfortunately I am for today. The doctors thought it would be best to head up now to get my ankle checked out but don't worry, I will definitely be back for Sunday's match against Williamstown next week." He chuckled as I nodded my head in agreement.

"Well then I won't stop you from getting to your appointment, good luck with it Mark. Hope it all goes well for you." I added as he just smiled and turned on his feet before suddenly stopping.

"Oh yeah, I'm sorry. I didn't catch your name -"

"That's because I didn't throw at 'cha yet. Sorry that was really lame. I'm Scarlett." I added quickly, attempting to ignore my previous attempt of making a good impression.

"Huh Scarlett. That's a really pretty name. Anyway, I should get going. Hope you have a wonderful day Scarlett and please let Marcus know I said hi will you?"

"Yeah. Sure. Of course I will." I gritted through my teeth, smile as Mark said his goodbyes and walked away, leaving me to let out a sigh.

"Hey, you alright Scarlett?" Toby asked, as I just shrugged my shoulders and avoided making eye contact with him.

"Yeah, I guess I should be fine." I added as I noticed Toby frown from the corner of my eye. Keeping my eyes focused on the training of the Footscray boys, I suddenly felt my phone buzz as I almost jumped and got Toby to hold my things before slipping the device from my pocket, noticing an interesting text on my screen.

Shane: Hey, do you mind coming to see me about something. I really need to talk to you about something right now. Meet me at the main board room, I will tell you everything there in private.

I pressed my lips together and texted him back that I would him there right now before locking my phone and sliding it back into my pocket as I grabbed my things from Toby.

"Toby, do you mind hanging around here for a while? I gotta go check on something real quick." I asked as Toby raised his eyebrow.

"Do you want me to come with you?" He asked as I just shook my head.

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