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I sat at the circular table with Madeline, Kyle and a couple of other colleagues as Derrick was talking about the latest news at the agency. Usually, I would be eager to listen and be happy to engage in conversations if necessary but today I wasn't really feeling it. After last night's events as well as the few several negative comments I received from the interview, I wasn't sure how to feel anymore. I knew it was crazy to think that I would actually sleep with someone for an interview but that's what irritated me about the industry; middle aged white men who couldn't kept their mouths shut for a minute.

"Mr Johnson, the crew has been working hard to prepare great community based stories. We've found news about a high school's grant to rebuild their gymnasium and their music program. We've also contacted the council and received some news about the train system many people are going to smile about." Madeline said happily as Derrick smiled, thanking her as she sat down on her seat.

Kyle just rolled his eyes and showed his usual temperamental side as he just shrugged his shoulders and spoke about his ideas about politics which he made it clear that he wasn't interested in. Derrick looked shocked as he gestured for Kyle down, muttering something under his breath none of us could translate.

One after another, someone had gotten up to speak about what they found and still feeling a little shocked after last night, Derrick cleared his throat as I looked up wide eyed to him smiling.

"Miss Wilde, could you please tell us your ideas for the sporting section please." He said as I nervously stood up and put on a fake smile.

"Uh yes, of course. I uh spoke to a few of the local football clubs who were happy to share information about upcoming sporting events including player injuries, I've done some profiles on up and coming athletes living in this area hoping to get drafted to a team of their desired sport, I've planned to interview the coach of the Australian Olympic Rugby 7's Team ahead of the Rio games and also developed a list of possible changes in the AFL teams."

"Yo, but it's still at the beginning of the season. It's nowhere near the process." A voice emerged from the group in front of me.

"I obviously know that Tyler , there's also going to murmurs during the beginning, middle and even the end of the season. Don't think I wouldn't know that for one second." I snapped as Kyle hopped up shouting out loud.

"Yeah, you tell him girl. Tyler, ain't got nothing on you."

"Actually I have a lot more knowledge than you since -"

"Since what Travis? You were picked up by a university football team and suddenly think you're a hotshot because the closet you ever got to living the so called dream was playing against a troubled sports star dropped from the team he was drafted to after he assaulted another guy at the pub." I blurted out as the whole room went into wearing shocked faces. Kyle clasped his mouth with his hands as he started laughing out, Madeline sat on her seat with her jaw dropped open and Derrick on the other hand was trying be serious but was failing at the moment. Tyler had just angrily glared at me, crossing his arms together when Derrick fixed his posture and returned to being serious.

"Okay that's enough. Everybody settle down, we need to get through with agenda. Oh yeah and Scarlett, please leave Tyler alone. I'm pretty sure he's got enough on his plate without you adding to his terrible choice of role models." He said bluntly before continuing on with the presentation as I let out a smile knowing that I had done my work.


"I'm impressed Scarlett, but a quick question, how did you know he plays for a university team? And how did you know who his teammate was?" Madeline asked as I lent my chin against my hands that was pressed together.

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