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"I just wanted to thank everyone of you during this long but crucial investigation which is going to be very important in the long run as we are finally going to see a different perspective on the terrible agenda of drugs used in sports for all sorts of devastating reasons. And although I know that we are making an incredible step in the right direction for the sporting world, I cannot go past the consequences that many of us have faced over the last several months. I must admit that some events I knew were bound to occur during this investigation and some events not even the sharpest of minds could pick up on, but I also knew that deep within me that sacrifices were going to have to be made when it came to this particular drug saga. I apologise to everybody and I mean everybody that has been affected greatly during the drug saga. I honestly wished it didn't have end up the way it did, you are all absolutely amazing people to work with and I do wish you all the best of luck with your lives, whatever that might end up being." Charlotte finished as the investigation squad gathered around and cheered for the final time.

Thankfully, that missing piece of the article that I was struggling to find finally showed up when we discovered security tapes that proved that Damien Williams was the main person who was to blamed for the drugs slipping into the culture of the club. We all felt proud that finally our investigation and months of hard work was going to be paying off.

As much as everything that was going on, it was truly sad for the group to be spilting up after all of those months of researching and investigation to finally get up to a stage where our hard work was going to be published for the whole of Australia to see. I was already used to the pressure of big articles getting attention but all that stress and pressure wasn't enough for me to wish for just another day of investigation with the group of people that helped build something as big as this article.

"So is that it huh? All that hard work is finally going to be shown to the public eyes?" Olivia asked sadly as I just sat and stared at the ground. Everyone else around me nodded their heads, agreeing with her questions whilst I still kept to myself. I knew the rest of the group could tell this whole thing with the fake article and Marcus was really starting to get to me, I mean who wouldn't be affected?

"Yeah, that means these fuckers can get what they deserve." Bella exclaimed as Daniel just chuckled and folded his arms as he leant back on his chair.

"I'm glad that those footballers are going to get the justice they deserve." Daniel said as Bella just smirked at him. I shrugged off her gesture and still kept to myself just wanting to keep my emotions in place for the sake of everybody in this room.

"You all have been pretty amazing, I had fun." Kyle admitted as I rolled my eyes.

"The first time Woods has had fun and it had nothing to do with a Tinder match. We should all celebrate because of that." I chimed in as Kyle looked at me with a shocked expression.

"Excuse me Wilde, but I am sure that I can have fun without Tinder for at least a day." He confidently exclaimed as I just chuckled and turned my attention onto Charlotte who was giving us all a smile.

"I don't think I have ever done an investigation where the group I was working with ended up being friends as fast as you five did."

"Well some of us being more than friends if you ask me." Kyle added slyly, shooting a look at Daniel and Bella who both seemed to be hiding something between the pair. Okay, this was slightly becoming wired and very quickly. I stared at the both of them when Bella and Daniel looked at each other and nodded their heads which was starting to make me even more confused.

"Wait, what exactly is going on right now?" Olivia asked, sounding just as confused as I was.

"Well, if you don't mind we both have something to share with you all, including you Charlotte." Daniel added as Charlotte lifted her head slightly and just smiled with a hint of confusion upon her face. Kyle, of course, rolled his eyes and fluttered his eyes foolishly as I awaited for the pair to continue.

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