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"She just barged into my house and started to call me out because she's a firm believer that I slept with her boyfriend." I anxiously said to Gemma as we were walking out of a cafe and began walking along the footpath.


"Crystal Weller, the girlfriend of Michael." I sadly said thinking back about her cruel choice of words she screamed at me the other day. I couldn't believe that she confronted me about the situation in the way she did but the worst part was that Marcus actually thinks I would go behind his back and sleep with another teammate, let alone Michael.

Gemma looked absolutely disgusted as we continued walking along the street and spent most our walk in silence until she managed to speak up. Her hands in her pockets as she kept her attention in front of her.

"So what happens now?"

"I honestly don't know. I've left so many calls to Marcus but it only goes to voicemails. Left so many texts yet he hasn't replied to any. I've tried to speak with his teammates that he's most closet with but they just ignore me because of this stupid rumour. I really wish I knew what to do because right now, I got absolutely no clue."

"You know this isn't any of your fault, right?"

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean Scarlett. That stupid rumour wasn't your fault and neither was it that Michael decided to ruin your relationship with Marcus -"

"That's the thing Gemma, I don't even know if we have a relationship anymore." I cried out as I stopped in my step and looked her in the face, feeling quite vulnerable.

"Wait, so are you two not together anymore?"

"I mean, he hasn't said or giving any hints that we were heading down that path but I just have a feeling that Marcus is going to not think and stupidly take the side of his teammates over me. I mean, why would he stay with me when you have Talia wrapping everyone around his finger."

"If you want my advice, stuff Talia. If you love Marcus - which I know you really do - and you want to work on these problems or whatever this may be in your relationship then I suggest that you go talk to him at his house and force him to give you last chance to explain. If he believes you, great. If he doesn't, well then I guess that means you need to really think about what you want to do."

"How am I meant to persuade Marcus that I didn't sleep with Michael the other night?" I anxiously asked, wondering why a rumour like this would be spread in the first place.

"Okay girl, you need to stop doubting yourself. First thing is that this whole thing sounds suss because all Michael's said was that you tried to sleep with him but hasn't said anything else. Second, he said during a time when your relationship with Marcus is flourishing. Three, he's just an absolute dickhead -"

"Uh excuse me young lady, you should watch your language. Us elderly folk don't appreciate it when young boys and girls use such filthy language." An elderly woman appeared from behind me as I jumped and noticed Gemma giving her a dirty look.

"Oh you wouldn't be calling me a filthy one when you hear about what Michael Talia's been doing."

"Yes, yes that Michael is a handsome man and is a very good player for the dogs. I still remember when my husband Jamison and myself watched him score that goal against North Melbourne against Drew Pe-"

"Yeah I've heard the stories before. Drew Petrie is a legend and he's a remarkable player, and so on. But really ma'am Talia -"

"Yes, he's father was such a wonderful man during his days at the club -"

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