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a/n: this chapter is in no way real or true, I just made up majority of the events spoken about. yes, the guy spoken about is a real person and yes, he too was involved with a scandal (a long story that I am not going to go into too much detail) but the rest of the chapter was fictionally written in order to fit in with the storyline.

Clenching my hand around the base of the umbrella handle, I took a sigh as I took one final glance at the address I was meant to be at and paused for a moment, taking in my surroundings before knocking loudly against the wooden door of the motel in Geelong. Tugging the black hood off my head, I let the water rapidly rain down against the umbrella as I stood in the freezing cold, awaiting for the door to be answered. Turning my attention to the pool of rainwater near the base of the stairs, looking at the water, the reflection of the familiar flash of police sirens quickly distract me from my thoughts as I slowly lift my head upwards, just in time to see the doorway begin to open.

"Uh hello?" The rather tall figure spoke, standing in front of me with a confused look on his face. His brown hair was spiked up, similar to as if one was to have had a shower. He wore a grey sweater that hugged his torso and a pair of black sweatpants. There was a strong scent of whiskey coming from him as I stood and analysed the former footballer who didn't look as though he was coping well. I cleared my throat and looked him into his eyes, trying to shake off the nerves that had built in from earlier ago.

"Br - Brent Prismal?"

"Yeah, that's me. What can I do for you?"

"Hi. My name's Scarlett Wilde and I'm a reporter from The Melbourne Agency. I would like to ask you a few questions about an ongoing investigation about an alleged dru -"

"I'm sorry haven't you guys caused enough shit in my life already?" He slightly raised his tone as he attempted to shut the door on me when I quickly jumped forwards and held the door from moving, causing Brent to stop in his step and shot me a glare of impatience.

"Please Mr Prismal, this is really important. Don't do this, I'm begging you." I pleaded with him as he stayed quiet for a moment and let out a sigh, before opening the door more and gesturing for me to come in as I thanked him politely and rushed inside. Standing inside the slightly run down house, I looked around and noticed the emptiness of the distant motel room. The walls were a brown coloured wooden panel with cheap frames of 60s inspired photographs, in the middle of the tiny room there sat a double sized bed that the sheets were slightly messed - giving me the impression that somebody was sitting upon the bed - as well as the dim lit room that hardly featured personal mementos apart from the frame of a wedding photo on the side of the bed, several pieces of clothing scattered on the floor and a few bottles of unopened beers sitting upon the table nearby which also sat the television set. Immediately, I could feel my heart sink as I took in my surroundings of the interview subjects' home.

Charlotte was hesitant with allowing me to go through with this. After volunteering to do the interview without any hesitation, I could tell she wasn't okay with giving me this task, not after the whole article thing had blown up in the media now. Even Madeline had suggested for me to allow someone else to do this chance but I couldn't do that, I couldn't let myself miss out on this chance to find something ties together this drug scandal. After a moment of silence, Charlotte finally gave me the chance but wasn't scared to let me know her feelings after everybody had left for the day.

Of course, everybody was feeling pity for the girl who allegedly wrote the stupid article.

"So Miss Wilde, are we going to get this interview underway or what?" He asked quite harshly as I quickly turned around and could feel my heart starting to feel a pang of sympathy for the man in front of me.

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