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Taking a deep breath, I hesitated for a moment before pushing the doors opened of the gym at Whitten Oval with the others trailing behind me. Immediately walking through the metal doors, I could feel everybody's eyes falling upon me. I noticed Luke mutter something underneath his breath as Tom and Jackson whispering between each other. My heart raced but right now backing down wasn't an answer, I knew I had to expose Michael for what he had done and whatever was going to happen afterwards wasn't in my control but getting out Michael's dark secret was and I knew it was better to do that sooner or later.

Trailing my eyes onto Marcus, I felt my heart sink when I noticed he already had his back away from me like I was some kind of monster that he was far too afraid to look at. I let out a saddened sigh before forcing myself to put on a brave face in front of everybody who found forgiving me such a difficult task.

"I thought we all made it very clear that you weren't welcome -"

"Just shut the fuck up Tom. I didn't come here for you. I didn't came here for any of you." I angrily screamed at him as I noticed he gave me a rather cold stare pressing his lips together.

"Then why the fuck are you here?" He yelled back at me as Jordan and Easton made their way into the room with their arms folded and rather serious expressions worn upon their faces. My heart picked up its pace when Tom rolled his eyes.

"So you get these two to do your dirty work for you, do you?" He angrily added as Easton moved towards Tom and gave him a cold stare.

"Why don't you just stop being a dickhead for one second and just listen to what Scarlett has to say? Okay?"

"Listen here buddy, just because you're an acting captain of the team doesn't give you the right to tell me what to do Easton. Scarlett ruined this club and whilst you're living in this dreamland that you and your mates seem to be living in, the rest of us are living in reality where we know that it's wrong to cross the line and that's exactly what Scarlett did -"

"Uh Tom, I know for a fact that you wouldn't be allowing your mouth to be letting out bullshit once you see the videos."

"Videos?" Jake chimed as Vanessa nodded her head and stepped in from behind him.

"Yeah Jake, we have some cold, hard evidence to prove that Scarlett is innocent and that the real person who ruined the club as you call it is closer than you really think."

"Oh yeah Vanessa, as if we are really going to believe that you found some video that's going to prove that Scarlett's innocent. Is she somebody who paid you off to try and poorly convenience us that she's not to blame here? Wow, real pathetic. The both of you."

"I swear to god Michael, if nobody else was here right now, I would have shown you who the pathetic one really is." Easton growled as I gestured for him to stop and Michael just chuckled.

"So now you're in a relationship with Easton boy over here, right? I'm assuming since Marcus obviously woke up to himself and Toby wasn't working for you, you decide to jump onto the next man you see." Michael said as I moved to him and without thinking gave him a shove.

"I hope you're going to be happy with yourself once everybody here finds out what an absolute control freak you are. You think I ruined this club did you? You're a fucking joke Michael, that's what you are and I hope today everybody sees the fraud that you are." I screamed violently as I could feel Easton hold me back.

"Wow, she's really lost the plot hasn't she?" Michael said aloud to himself, chuckling evilly as Caleb and Toby soon stepped into the room, holding up his phone.

"You got anything you'd like to add Talia?" Toby asked as I noticed Caleb doing something on his phone. My cheeks were starting to go warm as I felt everybody else' eyes somehow on me. I sighed and awaited for the moment everybody found out that I was innocent and wrongly accused for everything.

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