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Laying my body against the cold floorboards, I could feel my body becoming cold as the tears started to trickle down quickly down my face. Right now I was scared and was unsure of what to do. My head throbbed as a shrill scream of pain escaped my lips. Looking around the room in complete agony, my heart picked up its pace. Trailing my eyes down at the empty bottle of wine that was now shattered across the ground, I couldn't help but feel frightened at how the night was going to turn out.

I looked up at the front door that was opened, heaved breaths escaped from me as I started to sob loudly trying to think as fast as I could. My body felt like was boiling up as I had trouble forcing myself even slightly forward. Pushing myself for another second before hesitating for a moment and felt my body crash against the floor. Beads of water trailed down my cheeks as I let out a vicious sounding sob trying my hardest to reach for the phone which was near by but became even more frightened when I realised that I struggled to reach for it.

"This isn't real, none of it is real. Just go away all of you and leave me alone." I yelled violently as I could hear snickers that made feel sick to my stomach.

"It's your fault that everybody is upset with you Scarlett, why can't you just accept the fact that you are the reason why Marcus isn't his usual self?" I overheard a voice near me as I sobbed out loud.

"Because I had nothing to do with it, I had nothing to fucking do with his unnatural self. You aren't real, this isn't real, none of it is fucking real." I screamed even louder as my heart raced quickly.

Letting out forced heaved breaths, I tried my best to calm myself down seeing as my stress was what kept making me in this way but honestly there was no other way with most my options were limited. Even if I had reached my phone in the first place, there would have been nobody that would have picked up. Gemma would no way pick up her phone as she was working a late shift at the hospital, Derrick is the last person who'd I want to talk with right now, the girls might regret answering my call, most of Marcus' teammates are likely to be mad at me and of course there was no way Marcus would have wanted to talk to me after the way things have been going lately for the two of us. As I let out another loud sob, I could hear footsteps emerging from behind me. I honestly wanted to turn around and see who it was but of course with my body being stubborn right, I didn't see that happening right now.

"Scarlett." The familiar voice echoed through my ears as I could feel a presence beside me. Feeling embarrassed, I slightly rose my head upwards to see Toby staring down at me in complete panic and concern. As he wrapped his arms around me, I could feel my body beginning to warm up even more as I sobbed into his arm. Right now, I was lost and confused and felt petrified. There was nothing I could do or say that could make me feel filled with hope that I was going to survive whatever this was.

"Just stop, please just stop it. Leave me the hell alone, I didn't do anything. I couldn't have done anything." I screamed out as I felt my body being slowly shaken when everything had suddenly vanished. I looked around and noticed that I was safely back in my apartment and with my own civilised thoughts than previously.

"Scarlett, wh - who are you talking to?" Toby asked confused and worried as he began to look around my apartment as I let a painful cry.

"P - Please don't leave me like everyone else has." I muttered, slightly confused about my statement. Nobody has left me - yet - but within this moment, it sure as hell felt like it. Toby stroked my cheek gently as he hushed silently, trying his best to calm me down.

"Shh Scarlett, everything's going to be alright now. I promise to never leave your sight." He said calmly still stroking my cheek as I noticed his eyes trailing towards the smashed wine bottles on the ground. He groaned in concern before kissing the top of my head.

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