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It had already been a week since the article had been published and a week since I had last heard from Marcus since I was the main person to be blamed for the false information being leaked. Already my friendships were crumbling with Abby deciding to cut me from all ties from her and Crystal, who was still mad with me about the rumour that I tried to sleep with her boyfriend.

Right now I was currently sheltering myself inside my flat as I found it difficult to walk out in public. The fans of the Western Bulldogs hardly gave me a break, other journalists kept shoving microphones in my face and asking me questions about things I couldn't explain and people in general kept accusing me of damaging Marcus' career - with the exception of a few people who thanked me for exposing him and even that was quite upsetting to hear. As I sat down on the couch to settle myself down with a cup of coffee and try to find whatever I could to distract me, I received a new text which slightly surprised me.

Gemma: Quick girl, turn on channel 7.

I rolled my eyes and sighed but did as I was told and flicked over to the channel were a story about the latest murder in Melbourne was concluding. I picked up my phone and was just about to text Gemma back when I overheard the female reporter mention Marcus' name. I quickly shot my head upwards and tossed my head upwards as I could feel my heart begin to sink when the blonde haired reporter began to talk.

"It's known as the notorious newspaper article that has rocked the Western Bulldogs once again, when Scarlett Wilde, a former Melbourne Autograph reporter, released details on a recent alleged crisis that the club was facing. Wilde, who is also in a relationship with one of the players Marcus Bontempelli, addressed recent issues that the club were supposedly facing such as the change of a brand new captain in three years, the new club directions that many of the players wanted to make and of course, the constant feud faced between the coach and Bontempelli himself. Now more information revolving the couples relationship has come under light. Here's Channel 7's Jackie Lynn with the new updates."

I hugged my knees as I forced myself to hold back the tears and allow myself to listen to story before I could react or make any judgements. This was probably a horrible idea seeing how much this scandal was making me feel like shit but honestly, I didn't know what else to do seeing as I hardly had anyone on my side.

"Thank you. Now today some news on the relationship of the pair aren't looking good as many suggest that the two were in a feud of their own and even going to suggest that this article was published for the main intention of revenge. We spoke to one of the players who feels as though the club has been betrayed due to Miss Wilde's action. Here's what he had to say." The reporter faded as the face of Michael Talia appeared on my TV screen. Oh god, you've got to be fucking kidding me? Out of all the players they could have spoken to, they pick this asshole?

"It's really frustrating to hear that someone in the media can use their power to bring down someone as innocent as Bonts. He's been such a great mate and honestly, the fact that someone like Scarlett could do something as disgraceful as this is beyond me. The whole club is still trying to wrap their minds around this and I doubt that we're going to do that for a very long time." He finished as the camera went back to that Jackie Lynn who started to go on about other random rumours about this story.

I was appalled after Michael's interview. Those words were coming from the same guy who gave absolute crap to Marcus when we first began hanging together. And now Michael was trying to adjust his image to such a perfect little footballer that actually cares for his teammates.

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