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Sometimes I wondered if I was doing the right thing texting and leaving missed calls for Marcus when I knew that he obviously wasn't going to reply back to me. It had already been a week since I had first found out that he wasn't his usual, vibrant self that he normally was. After my conversations with the girls, Mitch and Toby, I was beginning to wonder if there was something else going on with Marcus. Already I knew he was annoyed about our anniversary might - possibly - but it broke my heart to know that there was a possibility that something else could be going on and here I was being the world's worst girlfriend.

I knew it was stupid for me to be worrying too much about it but deep down I knew it would have just crushed me to know that I couldn't have been there for Marcus in case something terrible did happen to him.

Sitting in a spare office that was in the agency, I was currently with Kyle and Olivia who were helping me shift through various newspaper clippings about previous incidents with athletes under the influence of drugs. I was starting to become restless since I knew all of this was starting to become repetitive and honestly, quite pointless.

Pushing my chair backwards, I let out a sigh and stretched my arms outwards as Kyle just stared at me irritatedly. Letting out an annoyed grunt, I turned to face him and squinted my eyes at him.


"C'mon, we can't really be boring you that much, can we?" Kyle asked as I just smirked at him.

"Well you can Kyle." I added as he just shook his head and put his hands up in defence.

"Fair enough Wilde. You've made your point."

"Wait, so is. Is that it Kyle? You're just going to give up like that and not say anything insulting?" Olivia asked, as she looked up at him surprised.

"Nope. Kyle Woods doesn't give up, he never gives up. He's only waiting until the Western Bulldogs verse his own team to say whatever he desires."

"Why the hell are you talking in third person Kyle when we all know you're clearly talking about yourself as you always do?" I asked as Kyle just smiled and rose his pen to his mouth.

"Just watch until Port Adelaide start crushing that package of your team to shreds Scarlett, then we'll see who'll be talking in third person."

"Dude, Port Adelaide are going to have to start crushing the oppositions score on the leaderboard before they start destroying our players. And no matter what you say, you were the one who started talking in third person, not me." I remarked as I watched Kyle open his mouth but then hesitated before burying his face in his hands.

"Shit. I stuffed up on that argument." He said as I just watched Olivia laughing as she kept hold on the newspaper clipping in her hand. We both looked at her as she just smiled and apologised.

"I'm sorry but I just thought this was funny when you're dissing the package. At least Jake's going to be able to play unlike that glorious gun of yours Tom Jonas." Olivia chuckled as Kyle stared in shock and I just let out a large laugh.

"Really Kyle, Tom Jonas? C'mon now, you won't be able to see him for the next six matches and you're thinking he's going to be the next superman to bring his team upwards. That is really unlikely." I said as Olivia slid her office chair back and let out a smug smile.

"I would have understood if it was Chad Wingard but really, really. Tom Jonas is your go to man in conversations like this."

"Girl, you do remember that you bought it up and not me?" Kyle reminded her as I rolled my eyes and she just shrugged her shoulders.

"Yeah well, next time don't diss Jake and I won't have to open my mouth." Olivia defended herself as I reached in for a high five. Kyle on the otherhand looked irritated and wanted to just end this conversation one and for all but then put on a determined face before moving closer to Olivia.

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