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Sitting on the couch, Gemma and I spent most of the night on a roller coaster of emotions watching various romantic dramas seeing as we hardly had a chance to hang out with each other for a while now. Covering ourself with a fluffy brown blanket and each of us holding a bowl of popcorn, my eyes felt moist after crying over the third Nicholas Sparks' film we watched tonight. I knew Gemma was looking over at me as she let out a simple awh from her mouth resulting in my to roll my eyes.

"Awh Scarlett, you're crying."

"Shut up, I'm just allergic. That's just my allergies running a muck and it's really annoying me." I stated as Gemma just laughed and placed her bowl of popcorn on the ground, pushing the cover off herself as she made her way for the remote.

"Sure Scarlett, you are really allergic to the soppy romance this movie has to offer. Feel free to pour your eyes out for the next movie but please don't get your tears anywhere near me."

"Hey, most definitely I will cry for the next movie because you're costing me with my Netflix. This is going to be the fourth film we watch tonight -"

"Don't worry. You're watching the movies with me. Honey it's about the quality not the quantity. You can watch these movies in single motion but nothing is the same when it comes to watching it in a complete marathon."

"Try saying the same thing when I get you to pay my bills next month." I mumbled quietly, getting myself prepared for the fourth movie, The Karate Kid, with Jayden Smith. It had only been 15 minutes since Gemma had put on the movie which I suddenly started yawning, quickly getting up from the couch as I managed to spill some popcorn on the ground.

"I would complain but it isn't my house."

"Whatever. I'll probably clean it up tomorrow. Anyway, do we have to watch this. I'm so damn bored and becoming restless. Why'd you have to go and choice this movie in the first place?" I grumbled as Gemma rolled her eyes and kept her focus on the screen.

"It's Jayden Smith sweetheart. I'm sorry Scarlett but do I complain when you're always obsessing over Scott Eastwood and Chris Hemsworth?"

"No because you're always too busy going on about Jamie Doran."

"Actually, he is pretty hot especially when he was in Fifty Shades of Grey. It just sucks that people assume that he's a bad actor because he did that movie."

"Listen sweetheart. Nobody's assuming because they know."

"You're just jealous because Dakota Johnson got to find out what the fifty shades of grey were instead of you -"

"Gemma, you're the one who's practically in love with Jamie Doran. Don't you mean that you're the jealous one?" I asked as Gemma looked around the room before she grinned at me quite cheekily. She lifted her shoulders and battered her eyelashes, looking at me as if she was ready to brew a storm.

"Maybe you aren't that jealous because you've got Marcus to discover your shades of grey." She said as I looked at her in shock after hearing the words come out of her mouth. I looked down to the ground with my mouth wide open before turning to face her once again.

"I can't believe you just said that to me. Apologise right now Gemma Francesca Fisher."

"I don't really think that's necessary Scarlett because right now I bet lover boys' probably preparing his very own red room just for you. He'll probably even paint the walls Scarlett red ensuring that you might have a wilde time together."

"I swear to god Gemma, you really are full of it." I stated as she just laughed her head off, tipping the rest of the popcorn on the ground as I gasped. "Oi, you know I gotta clean that up?"

Smoke and Mirrors (Smoke #1)Where stories live. Discover now