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Tightly grasping my blue folder of documents I had gathered since starting the investigation on the drug scandal, I tugged at my black coat as my boot heels clicked against the floor. Checking my watch, it was half past 12 when I had decided to would be best to continue working on the investigation at the office when I could see Toby unexpectedly sitting on the couch, giving me a fright.

"Shit." I cussed out loud as I dropped the folder on the ground and panicked, the pages all scattered against the floor as my eyes trailed on Toby's figure. My heart raced as I looked at him with wide eyes whilst he slowly made his way towards me.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked nervously as he came near the documents but backed away when I gestured for him to leave them alone seeing as they were confidential and I wasn't ready for anybody to see these notes, well, not yet anyway.

"I came to see you." He said as he rose to feet and stood in his step. I sighed and turned my attention on him as I shrugged my shoulders.

"Well then, go on then Toby. I haven't got all day."

"I wanted to see how you were after that night I was here -"

"I don't have time to talk about this now, please just leave now." I said quickly as I reached down and scrambled to pick up the papers. Trying to find the order they were previously in before, I could feel myself becoming angry, letting out an irritated groan as I continued to scramble to put back together my notes when I could feel Toby's hand on my wrist.

I looked up to him and could see that same look in his eyes as the night I found myself in the arms of him, during my traumatic ordeal. I let a shaky sigh escape my lips, when Toby took a glance at the ground and up above to me, where he. then locked his eyes into mine.

"Hey Scarlett, please just take it easy." He pleaded as I stopped and removed my hands away from the documents before sighing, still locking eyes with Toby.

"I'm trying to."

"Good." He breathlessly said as I paused for a moment before shaking the thought from my head and quickly standing up.

"I can't do this Toby -"

"Do what exactly?" He added quite defensibly as he stood up and took a step back as I placed the heels of my hands against my face, feeling quite irritated with it all.

"Whatever this is Toby. I'm with Marcus in case you didn't realise that. I know that I've made clear to everybody, I don't understand how you can't understand that."

"I - I know you're with Marcus and I get that I crossed the line but I can't help but feel that there's this something between us. When I kissed you, it was similar to a sort of electric feel -"

"Toby, Toby don't. You know I don't need this anymore."

"No Scarlett, you need to hear this, for my sake. I honestly hate admitting this to you but you're one of the only people who has been treating me like I'm a real somebody and I don't know what it but over the last couple of weeks I have these feelings -"

"Just shut up Toby, please stop talking that way. I don't know why you think you have feelings for me but trust me, you don't. I was only being kind towards you because I thought you were a good mate , probably somebody who was like a little brother towards me. That kiss was a mistake and never should have happened in the first place." I exclaimed as I felt my phone buzz and let out an irritated grunt before pulling out my phone and reading the text.

Olivia: Are you coming to the office Scarlett, I've been here for 5 minutes earlier than I need to and was wondering if you wanted to catch up for a cup of coffee? 

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