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I rolled over on the bed as I let out a muffled moan. The cotton material of the bedsheets were tangled between my legs as I could feel the warm heat from the window in my room beaming against my skin. Today was finally the day my interview was published and I was feeling extremely nervous about it. Just as I was taking a moment to take in the warm rays of sunlight of the morning, my phone immediately began going off as I let out another groan before pausing.

My phone was ringing longer than it normally would. My phone's notifications were blowing up more normally than it would.

I pushed the blanket off me and hopped off the bed where I grabbed my phone and saw that I was getting a large amount of tweets than what I would normally get. That's when it hit me, the interview with Marcus must have been already published. Scrolling through my notifications, I retweeted the link of my interview that The Melbourne Autograph posted on their Twitter account before looking at the replies I had gotten from the article.

Derrick and Madeline were one of the first people to comment about my first interview which was pretty great. The coach of the Western Bulldogs had also tweeted about it and gained a fair few amount of likes and retweets. Several boys of the boys from the dogs had commented on the article giving me congratulations about it including Tom, Jake, Luke, Jordan and Bob. And ironically, the official AFL twitter account had tweeted about it which made me pretty excited for the outcome of the interview.

Still smiling for the tonne of support I had gotten from the article, Gemma's caller ID showed up on screen and answering it made me even more happier.

"Good morning sunshine." I said as Gemma replied back saying her good mornings.

"Hey Scarlett, I saw your interview with Marcus. Yeah, just wanted to say congratulations as its your first ever interview, how does it feel to have your first ever article out for the nation to see?"

"Great I guess. But it's also pretty surreal seeing a lot of important people notice your work by liking and retweeting you know. I mean, I even got a mention from a Carlton draftee complimenting me and I felt so bad that I didn't follow him."

"Oh, who was it?"

"Jacob Weitering. But don't worry, it's all good now as I thanked him by replying to him and now follow him since he follows me."

"Oh geez, you remind me of Riley Matthews from Girl Meets World the way you said you followed him back because you felt sorry for him. I swear, that is something she would probably do."

"Yeah. I just realised that right now." I added with a slight chuckle.

"So anyway, how did that party go for you? Was the dress alright for you? Did you meet anyone there? Anything juicy happen?" Gemma asked excitedly as I bit my lip nervously. A lot did happen at the party but did I really feel like talking about it?

"No. Nothing really juicy happened" I added casually, gritting my teeth as I continued to listen to Gemma on the opposite end of the line. As much as I admired the girl and literally told her everything, I didn't want to tell her much, especially since I was sure that whatever I did last night meant little to the both of us.

"Ah well, at least you got to hang at a footballers' party and meet some new people. Were the boys' girlfriends there?"

"Yeah. A few of them were there and they were really nice. But enough about me, what about you, what have you been up to?"

"Oh not much, although there was some incident at the hospital where one of the work experience students was caught messing about with one of the patients."

"Oh god what happened?"

"Well there was this year 11 girl who was caught full on making out with a patient that had a broken arm. I mean he was alright, fairly good looking but c'mon it's a hospital girl. Go do your antics elsewhere." She said as I let out a laugh. I wonder what happened to the year 11 girl, bet that wasn't going to go well with her teachers then eh?

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