[ 18 ]

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"Scarlett? What exactly happened during your interview?"

Kyle's loud and irritating voice boomed from the outside of the lobby as he pushed the door opened and marched through my office, bringing his screening voice inside my peaceful area. I finished off writing down something and looked at him unimpressed.

"What are you on about Kyle? Are you still upset about Heather, because if you are then go find another girl, I'm sure they'll be plenty of women happy for uh your company." I tried to say that last sentence as confidently as I could as I kept my head down and continued writing important notes for the next few articles that I got from that folder Derrick gave me a few nights ago.

"No this has nothing to do with Heather, although she is still open to date me if she wants but that isn't why I'm here -"

"You're always hanging around here, get to the point Woods."

"- Why are you getting fan mail and I'm not." He said in a childlike manner, angrily placing a cream coloured envelope on my desk. I took a quick glance at the envelope in front of me and rolled my eyes.

"Kyle, this better not be another joke. The last time you gave out an envelope you made Maddy think she won the lottery."

"That was Madeline's fault for not reading the damn ticket herself but no this is most defiantly not from me. Why would I spend my precious time making a pretty thing for you." He said as I rolled my eyes once again.

"It's probably just another bill Kyle, go act like a two year old somewhere else. I'm sure the receptionist said she was looking for you or something." I said annoyed as Kyle combed his hair back and fixed his tie before turning his back to me and walking out the door.

"Time to get me' self the receptionist then." He said as he quickly exited the door leaving me to sigh, putting away the envelope over to the side. Whatever was inside, I'll read it later but right now I knew I had to sort out my issue - if that's what you could call them - with Marcus.

Moments passed by and my mind was still questioning my moment with Marcus last night. If I wasn't falling for him, then why exactly was I dabbling on with these thoughts. I knew I shouldn't have been stressing out over nothing. Looking at the clock, it was almost half past 12 and I had realised my break was almost on. I know he said to see before I leave today but I decided to see Derrick in case it was anything important.

I grabbed my jacket and bag before walking out the door towards Derrick's office. Kyle walked past me and stared at me puzzled.


"Aren't you meant to be doing your job?"

"I am, Derrick asked me to see him before my break."

"Of course he did." Kyle muttered as I sighed and rolled my eyes. Ignoring his dumb comment, I walked up to Derrick's door and knocked.

"Come in." He called from behind the door. I turned the door handle and opened it to find Derrick frantically doing some paperwork. I looked stunned, wondering what was going on.

"Is everything alright Derrick?"

"Huh, oh yes. Everything's fine just doing some paperwork that the board's asked me to do. Apparently there's some staff changes and they need me to work out some stuff."

"Staff changes? Who's leaving?"

"No one that I know of yet, but apparently there's something surrounding the editor so I can't really say what's going to happen."

"Is there anything I can do? You know I don't mind helping out, I can even cut my break to help you."

"No don't worry Scarlett, you go on to your break. I'll be fine with this, please don't stress."

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