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^ a gif of kyle woods, played by pierson fodé is in the media above ☺️

As Daniel and myself walked along the concreted path, my mind kept sweeping back to the events of last night after I had left the apartment of Brent's during our rather unfortunate memory. The worst part of what had happened - or almost happened - was the fact that I had allowed myself to get in a position like that. You would have thought that even after the breakup with Marcus, my heart would have still remained loyal to him in the hopes that there was a chance for us to get back together, but after last night I just wasn't sure if a relationship with the two of us in it would be the right choice to make.

I had to admit that I still had strong feelings for Marcus and for them to suddenly go away would be impossible but thinking about ever giving us a second chance was beginning to fill myself up with doubt. Whilst last night was only a horrible experience I never wish to happen again, it was also an experience that had taught me that sometimes not everything in life we get are the things we are meant to have.

And the scariest thing was that there was a chance that I might start believing that my relationship with Marcus is exactly one of those in life.

I felt my mind swirling with all these thoughts as Daniel's muffled tone entered through my ears.

"So I spoke with an associate at the law firm back in Sydney and I found out that one of the people in charge of the drafting commission of Parkville Rangers Football Club is also the head person in charge of the medical side of the club which is important as the role for this individual is connected to Mr Williams who is the same man that we overheard on that phonecall that afternoon during our investigation."

"Uh yes I remember that name. We heard that same man on that phonecall during our investigation that afternoon." I added as Daniel turned to face me looking rather disappointed.

"There's something different about you."


"Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about Scarlett, it's obvious that you're all over the place and honestly I'm not surprised with everything that's going on." He confessed as I just rolled my eyes and continued to walk forwards as Daniel stopped me, resulting in me letting an angered sigh.

"I'm fine Daniel, just leave me alone."

"No Scarlett, I am not going to leave you alone. It's super obvious that this article is tearing you apart and as much as it's just meant to be an article, I hate seeing what it's doing to my cousin. Yes I understand people are angry and I understand you had nothing to do with the article but it's just shit that this had to happen to you and I really don't like the fact that it's pushing you apart from Marcus -"

"Please don't say his name Daniel. I don't want to hear another word about him, please." I pleaded as Daniel looked back at me with confusion clearly all over his face. I shook my head and looked up to the sky as I tried to calm myself down when Daniel moved closer to me and sighed.

"I get that all of this is really difficult on you but why are you suddenly starting to push yourself aside from Marcus-"

"Oh I'm pushing myself aside from Marcus am I? Yeah, says the boy who apparently thinks I'm constantly lying about my relationships, my love and most importantly lying about who I actually am because according to Marcus I am nothing but another reason for him to regret the relationship we both had. Yeah, he said it himself yesterday in front of his god awful teammates, streaming out even more embarrassment from me because I'm just the girl who enjoys toying around with other people's happiness."

"I - I'm sorry Scarlett that the person you unfortunately fell in love with is being a complete dickhead." Daniel added as he gave me a big hug and I let out a sigh. Our cousin to cousin moment was ruined when I heard the phone begin to buzz and saw I had a new text message.

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