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"I thought we made it perfectly clear that we wanted nothing to do with you Scarlett?" Mitch angrily answered as I stood in the doorway of the training hall. I rolled my eyes but on the inside I was terrified as hell because honestly, I knew exactly how this was going to turn out. After the other night with Caleb, I knew that I had to do something to at least try to convince the boys I had nothing to do with article. My heart picked up its pace as I felt my body tensing as everybody's eyes had unfortunately fallen upon me.

"Look over here guys, she's back at it again for article 2.0, only this time wanted to destroy everyone else's lives she hasn't already." Tom Boyd snickered before shaking his head in disappointment.

"Wow, guess she really can't control her urges even more than I expected." Luke remarked as I could feel my heart sink, knowing that exact meaning was a shade referring to the rumour I tried to force myself on Michael. I rolled my eyes once again, as I tried my best to build up my confidence. Almost everybody had put up a harsh front as I just stood their feeling humiliated about the way I was being treated by everybody who I thought I could trust; but then again, it was the anger talking and not actually them.

"Guys, just leave it, she's obviously not worth it after the things she put us through." Jackson stated as he was in the process of tying his shoelaces before putting his foot down from the ledge and crossing his arms together. I looked over at the corner where I just saw Marcus standing quietly to himself, one of the only people who wasn't giving me shit about article, but even that was a worrying sign in the first place.

"Why can't you guys just leave her alone and let her just say whatever it is she wants to say?" Toby chimed in from the group as I noticed Shane give him a deadly glare as I moved closer towards them before Tom gestured for me to stop.

"Whatever you've got to say, you can say it from there Scarlett. It isn't like you're going to be staying here very long anyway." Mitch snarled at me, as I looked down on the floor and tried to hold back the tears.

"I - I just came here because I want you guys to hear first hand that I had nothing to do with the article. The thing you all read in paper was written by someone else who I don't know, was probably angry or jealous over something. I swear to you all that I'm being framed, I had no idea that article was going to be published nor did I know this was going to be a thing that caused everyone so much pain."

"Right Scarlett, you're being framed. Do you honestly expect us to believe that you're being framed when you're the only one who has been hanging around this club the longest? No other journalist has been seen here, expect for you -"

"But that doesn't mean I fucking done it Tom. Why would you assume that I would write something as big as this for a stupid reason?"

"It was obvious that your fight with Marcus was bothering you, why else would you target him the most in the article. You're name was also on that paper and especially to note down, we spoke to some people from The Melbourne Agency and even they said that you wrote the damn article. I don't understand why you're suddenly coming in here and blaming everybody for the mess you made."

"What?" I asked, suddenly wondering who the club had actually spoke to regarding the article.

"Yeah, that's right Scarlett. As a big organisation, we're able to phone in whenever we need informations for situations like this. So just stop all of this non - sense Scarlett and cut the bullshit, because we all know damn well that you wrote this article, nobody else but you."

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