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Holding the red plastic cup in my hands, I took a sip of the warm coconut flavoured liquid allowing the warmth to rush down my throat as I slowly made my way to agency since I knew I had plenty of time before work started. I knew there was nothing to be concerned about but with the phonecall replaying over in my mind, I had every right to feel concerned with Derrick's news.

With everything that happened lately, a hundred different scenarios rushed through my mind as I tried to work out what exactly Derrick wanted. I thought he was needed me to do some article corrections, but then again why would he call me early to do so? Maybe more information had been released privately to us about the alleged assault between the two players and the young woman? Or what if this was just a polite way of trying to get rid of me? Honestly, it was bizarre why I was suddenly jumping to conclusions but it was hard to not do so when you worked in an industry as fast paced as this, especially being a female.

Still, I couldn't help but wonder if Derrick was just a brilliant actor and his vibrant smile was just to hide the possibility that today could be my last day at the agency.

When I slowly began to make my way to the agency, I could suddenly hear loud childlike laughter emerging from around me. I turned around and noticed a young girl running in my direction. Her bright red curls bobbed up and down as she suddenly came to halt in front of me. I smiled before kneeling down and looking at the young girl who seemed to be looking fearful as I let a smile form upon my face.

"Hey, slow down little angel. You don't want to hurt yourself, do you now?" I gently added, letting out a slight laugh. The young girl now smiled as I watched the fear disappear from her face. She looked behind her before turning her attention back to me.

"Hey, where are your parents?" I asked her in both confusion and concern as I scanned around the area for any sign of a parent - like figure who seemed to be looking for a child. Taking a glance at the girl, she just shrugged politely.

"I don't know where my mum is, I wanted to play a game and when I looked up she was gone -"

"Hey don't be sad. I'm sure your mum isn't too far, you're just very good at hide and seek. Don't worry, you can stay with me while we wait for your mother. I'm Scarlett, what's your name?" I asked, trying to distract the little girl from the realisation of her mother's sudden disappearance.


"Lucy? Well aren't you a pretty girl. You look a little cold, come over here Lucy." I said, as I wrapped off my scarf and gently wrapped it around her small yet fragile neck. I smiled, admiring her in the bright grey cotton material. She looked so adorable as I stood upwards and she wrapped her arms around my legs. Her vibrant personality was more than enough to make me forget about what I was stressing over before.

"No, you're pwetty Scawret." She adorably giggled as she tried her best to say my name. I smiled once again as I heard the sound of footsteps coming from behind me.

"Lucy, there you are." The relieved voice came from a middle aged woman who was grasping several bags of shopping bags as she struggled to keep them balanced. I knew Derrick was probably wondering where I was but right now, I didn't want this woman to suffer with the heavy load.

"Mummy!" She screamed excitedly as she ran to her mother.

"Thank you so much for taking care of her. I got anxious when she ran off and when she didn't come back quickly I was worried if something had happened to her."

"Honestly it was no problem. She was a young girl and if I didn't step in and had just allowed her to walk off in the streets who knows what would have happened? But anyway, what's done is done. I'm just glad she's safe and back with her family." I admitted smiling at Lucy who was doing the same to me.

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