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"What's a handsome guy like you doing in such a place like this?" I asked suddenly feeling a little anxious as I was towered over the stranger.

"Why shouldn't I be allowed at place like this?" He asked, forming a cheeky grin upon his face. I laughed looking down onto the ground before turning my attention back on him. My eyes soon trailed onto the empty seat next to him as I smiled and gestured at the inanimate object.

"Isn't there anybody here with you tonight? I mean, not to be rude or anything but it is kinda odd that you'd be sitting here on your own."

"I'm just hanging with a couple of mates who've seem to have suddenly disappeared." He said as that cheeky grin he had on his face was replaced by a more serious expression. I frowned looking at him as he held his shot glass tightly before I took a seat next to him.

"It might not be much but you've got me now." I said looking at him as I forced a smile on my face. As much I had the right to have my assumptions, there was something about this guy that a different - sure he seemed like a sweet guy but there was something about him that I couldn't quite put my finger upon.

"You say that like I'm not greatful for the little things. Anyway enough about me, what's a pretty girl like you doing here? I noticed that you were hanging out with your friend before over -" he cut himself off as the both of us turned over to Gemma being dragged away by another person.

"Well yeah, she was there but now she's gone as you can see. I'm just here because my friend thought I was stressing too much over work and decided that a girls night out would good for the both of us." I said casually trying to think of how the guy in front of me was familiar.

"It's nice that you and your friend were having a girls night out. And look, I didn't mean to come across like I was deliberately trying to get your attention. I was just looking other in that direction for my friends when I noticed you and your friends were talking, honestly you seemed a little upset and it just made me curious if you were alright or not."

"I'm fine, thank you. We were just catching up, there's really nothing more to worry about but I really am greatful that a stranger like you was somewhat sympathetic of my feelings." I said still wondering why I was taking such an interest in the stranger in front of me - and it was more than his striking good looks or even his boyish charm that was obviously making me feel weak in the knees.

I admired him more closely as the neon strobe lights flashed upon him. With his rather familiar face, I was surprised that I didn't recognised who he was earlier before.

"Marcus?" I asked aloud as he slowly looked up at me. I felt my cheeks reddened as I suddenly started to regret my choice of words. I wasn't expecting to say that aloud but unfortunately there was no turning back on this conversation.

"You're Marcus Bontempelli, aren't you?" I asked once again, quite stupidly. He moved his grip from the glass before smiling at me.

"Yes, I am. And whilst you know who I am, I'm afraid I don't know who you are miss -" he said looking at me as if he was awaiting for an answer. I snapped myself back to reality and smiled.

"I'm Scarlett, Scarlett Wilde. It's an honour to meet you Marcus." 

"Likewise Scarlett. Just curious, but you haven't seen a couple of guys, looking rather dopey and all probably dancing up a storm around here?" He said, adding a laugh. Reluctantly I laughed too feeling quite intrigued with him. Ironically, his laugh was quite infectious and made me feel a lot less nervous about being here.

"I'm sorry but I don't think I have Marcus but hey, if I did I would've definitely told you."

"Thank you anyway, those boys can get a little wild when they want to. Anyway, what does a sweet girl like you do around here for fun? You don't look like the party girl type. Let me guess, you must be a Lawyer? Teacher?"

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