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"Charlotte?" I screeched before putting a hand over my mouth. I was in total shock seeing how unexpected her entrance. And with the realisation that the now editor of The Melbourne Autograph was who Professor X is, had hit me hard like bullet.

"Welcome, my beautiful children to the revolution." Charlotte moved her head back and held a serious look on her face. My heart raced as I was still coming to terms with the new discovery. Kyle was amazed which was an unusual sight as his normal expression was a cold glare. Olivia shyly stepped back and glanced to the ground whilst Bella was wide eyed about the whole gathering. Daniel was just quiet as he usually was, making it very difficult to know how he was feeling about now.

"So just to be clear, YOU'RE Professor X?" Kyle asked as everybody, including me, looked over at Charlotte who just nodded her head and smiled.

"Of course, who else has been giving you those letters, sending you text messages and also keeping a close eye on you all throughout the last few months." She said mysteriously as I shot my head upwards.

"What?" I asked as Charlotte just chuckled.

"Nothing to be freaked out about. It was just to make sure that you were the right people who would be best suited for this job and believe me, there wasn't a whole heap of people to chose from, particularly from this agency. Honestly, you two were really the only ones I knew who'd be capable to help with the revolution, which surprised me seeing as the CEO of the company is a total nutjob who really struggles with the basic principals of this particular industry." Charlotte added, giving me a feel that her and Derrick weren't on the best terms - was he really on the best terms with anyone?

"Okay, okay so what made you so sure that we're the ones for this job." Bella added sharply as Charlotte dropped a purple folder in front of us and took out white paper with quickly written notes in blue ink.

"Well, where do I begin?" Charlotte asked as I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"Answering her question would be nice you know?" I snapped as Charlotte shot me a cold glare as she cleared her throat and relaxed her body.

"To be completely honest with you all, when I picked this agency to execute this plan I was disappointed. Most of the people at this agency are just pretentious people who only care about the money that goes into their pocket. And that's just the CEO or well, the owner of this agency. The workers here haven't really got a clear grip on this particular industry but when I noticed you two I had ecstatic of finding my shining light." She calmly said pointing to both Kyle and me.

"Us?" Both Kyle and I asked in unison.

"Yes. Kyle you're a extremely determined and focus mind when it comes to politicals and government based agendas. Although you can be quite arrogant - which is what I've been observing over the last few months - your sole commitment is enough to do something in this revolution.

And you Miss Wilde, when I heard you were a sports based reporter which exceptional writing I just knew you'd be a perfect fit for this particular topic that I wanted you all to investigate. And whilst I know it's pretty risky, I believe that you can be that one thing that gives this revolution that spark it needs." Charlotte said passionately as we all paused and awaited for her to continue.

"Daniel, you were selected because you are a fine young lawyer who has incredible diligence and the utter most respect. I was at the court case you were defending at and I could help but feel like I was witnessing such a life changing moment with how much passion I saw in your delivery."

"Oh, thank you Miss Matthews." Daniel said as I gave him a thumbs up, resulting in him let out a shy smile.

"Bella. I selected you because of course you've got a wide range of skills that are important but also you've got strong connections within the sporting world which I believe is super essential to progress in this revolution I called you all in for." Charlotte said, patting Bella's shoulder and making her way to Olivia who stood shyly in front of her.

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