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The loud showers of rain dropped rapidly down on the ground as the chilly winds smashed the branches of leaves against the surface of glass window outside. The loud clash of thunder was enough for me to turn around and face my focus onto the ground in front of me. Tonight, there was a more gloomy feel of Marcus' living room as I sat on the dinner table awaiting for how things were going to turn out after I tell him what my plans were going to be.

Thinking back over the time I had dealt with; the childish games of Michael Talia, the struggles of my boss, the stress of my work commitments, the infamous article and of course, my roller coaster ride of a relationship with Marcus, I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with everything that had been buried upon me. There isn't a definite sign I can pick up to tell anybody as to why things happened the way they did but I can at least say that those unmemorable moments have helped me become a more independent journalist and, a more stronger human being. I have learnt a lot about myself through my job but honestly, those stupid comments and remarks you get as a female sport reporter are nothing compared to the horrific things I had deal with over the last several months.

It had already been almost a week and a few days since we all had discovered who it was that had framed me on that notorious newspaper article that had almost cost me my entire life let alone my career as a sports journalist. As I sat on the table, I wiped my hands on the front of the navy blue dress I was wearing as I could feel my eyes beginning to water as I watched in silence Marcus' face of sadness clearly written upon his face as he hung about in the kitchen. It had also been a week since Derrick was arrested with his involvement of the article as he was the main person who had agreed for this to happen. Michael, who was also involved with the pain that I had to go through the last eight months, had defended himself that he had nothing to do with the article and believed he was being unfairly treated. Thankfully for myself - and everybody else - he was offered a position to play with the Sydney Swans. It was unfortunate, the boy had potential to be one of the legends of the club but didn't have the class of one, so he moved to Sydney to continue to play AFL.

The most surprising person involved with the plan to 'take me down' in the industry was in fact Madeline Shay; one of the closest people in my life who I was foolish enough to believe actually cared for me. According to her, the reasons behind being the one to actually write the article was because she was romantically driven to mess up my career and reputation after becoming engaged with Derrick.

The two of them are so good for each other, both of them are truly the worst kinds of people you could ever meet. Seems like Australia has just found the journalists' version of Blake and Louise from The Bachelor.

Wiping away the tears from my eyes, I noticed Marcus taking a seat next to me as he gently intertwined his fingers with mine as he wiped away the tear that rolled down my cheek. I looked up to face him. As much as I wanted to be with the man I love, I couldn't help but think about all the horrible things I heard come from Marcus' mouth in spite of anger. Yes, I knew that he couldn't be sure of what was really going on, nobody could, but I've spent so long being humiliated and that isn't something anybody would enjoy going through. I sighed as I kept to myself, honestly too tired to say anything with everything that has happened.

"I can't imagine how much you've been through over the past year Scarlett nor can I just sit here pretending to tell you how much you've suffered after what happened because honestly, it just wouldn't be right. But I don't think I can ever forgive myself for pushing you away and telling you things I shouldn't have said in the first place. Scarlett, I just want you to know that I would never, do anything to purposely see you upset or hurt, the things that happened is something I can't even begin to imagine."

"You don't need to say anything Marcus, I know what I went through. I know every damn thing that I went through so if that's your way of asking for a reminder, then I'm sorry that I don't need one." I answered rudely still trying to come with terms Marcus behaviour towards me during the whole fiasco.

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