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I pressed paused at some recent footage I was given from the recent match played between The Geelong Cats and The West Coast Eagles as I finished writing down the last few remaining notes on my piece of paper that was filled with rather messy scribbled notes about the gameplay of both teams. Dropping my pen on my desk, I pushed the green office seat I was sat upon and pushed it back, giggling like mad with the chair slowly coming to a stop. I gave the chair one more push and giggled again, feeling excited about the day ahead.

Although I was still frustrated with the recent display of Derrick the other day, I couldn't help but feel excited about meeting up with Marcus sometime in the week again. Whilst many would argue that we are taking our relationship too slowly, I was perfectly happy with how we were going on with our lives. Yes, there were times were our timetables would clash due to our jobs but for some reason we both managed to find time for ourselves which surprised the both of us.

As I went back to watching the footage for about the hundredth time today, I was distracted by the buzz of my phone. I picked it up and read the message on my lock screen, feeling confused about what was going on seeing as this particular text message was from a private number.

Unknown: Meet me @ the main office of the agency during the lunch break today. I think it's time to let you all know what my plans are to tackle this revolution.

I rolled my eyes, reading the messages once again in my mind. Could this be from Professor X or was this from some teenager playing a prank on me? I couldn't be too sure but knew that I should at least head down to see what the hell was going on.

Just as I was about to put my phone away, I suddenly could hear my phone buzzing once more, this time it was an incoming call. Looking at the caller ID, I smiled seeing Marcus' name flash on my lock screen. I calmed myself down and answered the call, as I turned the chair to face the otherway.

"Hey Scarlett, how's my beautiful sports reporter doing?" He asked cheerfully over the phone as I just smiled once again and shrugged my shoulders - of course knowing that he couldn't see me do this though.

"Just working. How's my beautiful footballer doing?" I asked as I could hear loud cheers in the background as I just raised my eyebrow.

"Just training, you know how it goes. Anyway, I just called to see what you were up to right now, kicking any butts when covering any juicy stories?" He asked cheekily as I just rolled my eyes and chuckled.

"Nope, nothing juicy happening behind these walls. I can promise you that right now." I said before I could overhear some bizarre comments coming from the opposite end of the line.

"Pass the weed over here Marcus."

"Damn, that's some good kush right there. Light some up for us boy."

"I'll take another drink of alcohol from you yeah?"

"Guys, would you just shut up already, for christ sakes people are going to think we're at a frat party instead of football practice."

"Wouldn't you like that a lot Honeychruch."

"Oh shut up Luke, as if you wouldn't know what a frat party is yourself."

"Well obviously not Mitch, seeing as this is Australia where we deal with midfielders and Hugh Jackman instead of quarterbacks and Fetty Wap like in America." Luke snapped at Mitch as suddenly overheard loud music coming from the background, the realisation that it was actually Fetty Wap playing in the background. I began to laugh when I overheard Marcus trying his best yell over the loud music playing and to top that off, another player singing the song just as bad as the original.

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