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Driving my car into the car park, I still felt pretty hesitant about being around in public with the article still being a hot topic across all forms of media. Shane and a few of the other boys who were on my side had assured me that Kylie Pierce wasn't somebody who I needed to be worrying about as her instagram showed her in America even during the time of the recovery session that was highlighted in that terrible magazine article.

But honestly Kylie Pierce was the least of my problems right now with everything else that has managed to put strain on my life.

Many people gave me occasional cold stares as they walked past me which made feel automatically irritated with the fact that I was still getting blamed for something I didn't do. Kyle and Daniel both kept ringing up to check how I was doing which was sweet but also quite tiresome as I wasn't used to the whole idea.

My mind was still on the investigation whilst I was making my way along the walk path when I could feel somebody running into me as a figure dropped on the floor in front of me. I felt absolutely foolish that I was capable of doing something as stupid as this but knew I couldn't let this get me down.

"Why don't you fucking watch where you're going?" The familiar voice perked up as I helped up the woman who looked mortified as soon as she looked at me.

"God, it's not my fault you're not watching where you're fucking going." I angrily added before getting a more clearer look at who I had managed to crash into. Unfortunately for me it was Crystal Weller, the same woman who called me out for sleeping with Michael in front of Marcus. I sighed and tried to keep as calm as possible when I noticed she was having trouble making eye contact with me.

"Uh Crystal."

"I need to go, I'm late for something." She added as I called out her name, which resulted in her stopping in her stop.

"Just wait Crystal, stop whatever this is, please."


"Don't pretend like you don't know what I'm talking about Crystal, it's obvious that you've been avoiding me since you blamed me for sleeping with your boyfriend that morning in front of Marcus."

"I'm sorry Scarlett but I - I can't talk to you right now."

"Why not Crystal? Are you still bitter with me about Michael? -"

"Just leave me alone okay? I didn't ask for any of this, I didn't ask for them to do this so stop with the fucking interrogation." She screeched at me as I stared at her in shock whilst she began to march off. Without hesitation I began to march right behind her, curious as to what she meant.

"Crystal, Crystal wait." I shouted, grabbing her gym bag which made her stop in her step as she struggled to keep the strap out of my grip. It didn't take a genius to know she was hiding something and right now, I knew I needed to get whatever it was she was hiding out of her.

"Just drop the subject Scarlett -"

"What didn't you ask for Crystal, who's them that you didn't ask for them to do whatever it is you're talking about?"

"I apologise for you and Marcus, you two were such a great couple but I'm not the person you should be talking to about this. I'm actually the wrong person you should be talking too.

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