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Standing in the backyard of Marcus' place, I could feel the goosebumps forming on my arms as the crisp wind blew gently against my arms. Standing anxiously in my black floral mini dress, I couldn't help but wonder if it was too late to even try and patch up my relationship with Marcus. After our last converstation, things we're starting to look up on a bright side but then it all started to go south when Talia managed to get in the middle of it all spreading rumors that not even I could have thought of. Rubbing my arm in reaction to the cold wind, I turned around to face the otherway. The blue rays of moonlight beamed upon me as I let out a sigh and tried my best to think of the best way to have this converstation with Marcus.

This was honestly my last chance to save whatever was left of already fragile relationship. I've sacrificed so much to even be in a relationship with Marcus, I couldn't afford to lose it now, not after all the things I've found myself be put through.

My lips quivered as I forced myself to keep my emtions under control. He wasn't even here yet and already I was feeling quite defeated, I mean it wasn't a total surprise, not after everything that had happened recently. I could hear footsteps coming behind me as I let out another sigh - this time sounding more shakey - as I turned around and noticed Marcus slowly making his way down the patio steps and staring back at me with a expressionless look. I moved closer to him as I felt a little scared.

Scared with the deadly silence that was forming quite strongly between us.

"I - I can't keep doing this anymore Marcus." I stuttered as he looked over in distance, making me fear even more about the thought of what he could be thinking about right now. He wasn't saying anything or giving an signal as to what he might want to be saying which I really wasn't understanding as to why he just didn't give me a simple reply back. Why was he suddenly putting up such a guarded front when deep down I knew it wouldn't last very long. Without a warning, he looked up at me and shot me an angry glare, making my face race even faster.

"And you honestly think I can too Scarlett?"

"I never said that." I said anxiously as he just sighed and avoided making eye contact with me. I couldn't believe this. When I was only trying to be as honest as I could, I was replied back with a smart comment from Marcus, somebody who I was only try to solve this issue that we both had with.

"I don't know if you understand this, but I still regret when I just left you without a text or anything after we slept together. Obviously you should know that after I basically tore my heart apart just for you to understand where I was coming from. But this, whatever were doing right now shouldn't be happening and shouldn't go on any further -"

"What is it that you want me to fucking say Scarlett? Because I've tried my hardest to understand your side of the story which obviously has been pretty difficult for me but of course I had to try seeing as I love you and would want to do anything for you. I can't keep pretending anymore Scarlett, what you did last night wouldn't have hurt that much if I hadn't over heard that you and Micheal -"

"Don't Marcus. Don't you dare finish that fucking sentence. You know damn well that nothing has and nothing will ever happen between Michael and me. Why on earth would I go for him when I have a beautiful and brilliant and amazing kind of man right in front of me whom I love with every bit of me?" I said, now lowering my tone with concern. I was becoming fustrated but knew there wasn't much for me to do seeing as Marcus already sounded like he knew whose side he wanted to go with.

"Maybe because you felt guilty about what happened between me and you that night. I really don't know Scarlett but the fact that this rumor had gotten around in the first place completly made me lose it for a while." He admitted as heaved breaths had escaped my lips as I could feel the anger rising in my body.

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