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Leaning against the cold metal pole of the street sign, I shivered as a breeze of frosty air moved across my body. I exhaled in the air, the icy sensation rushed down my throat making me feel uncomfortable. Sliding out my phone, I sighed re-reading Marcus' reply for about the tenth time now seeing as it was half past 9.

I felt nervous awaiting for Marcus' arrival. Whilst I knew I should be grateful that he hadn't brushed me off completely, there was something about tonight that had made me feel like it was wrong to get my hopes - which in many ways it probably was. In all honesty, just asking him to meet me at my place was already looking to be a massive mistake but I knew that if it would have looked bad if I hadn't agreed to do this in the first place.

The vibrant rays of the moon beamed down, giving me barely enough light to see what was further down the footpath. My mind filled with a million questions as I tried to pace myself. I knew Marcus would be here any minute seeing he texted me that was on his way about half an hour ago which had made me more nervous than when I had asked him to meet me here.

I was feeling paranoid so I looked at the time on my phone, it had only been a minute since the last time I checked the time. Shoving the phone in my back pocket, I let out a sigh as a black car was driving up the street and moments later parked in the apartments' car park.

My heart was beginning to beat rapidly when the car's engine turned off and the door slowly opened. I turned around to face the car, folding my arms in complete fear as I prayed to myself that this wouldn't go as badly as I planned out in my head.

Silence was the only thing that could be heard. The city streets were surprisingly quiet for a Tuesday night when I saw the outline of a figure move slowly towards me. With each footstep coming near, I could feel my body beginning to shake as the footsteps finally stopped near me and emerged from the darkness to reveal himself as Marcus. I gulper nervously trying to think of the best way not to stuff this up.

"Tom told me what's been happening." I added bluntly as I heard shuffling. To my surprise, Marcus turned slightly to face the other way.

"I'm fine, I don't need Tom or anyone else to babysit me." He spat as I bit my lip nervously.

"I know you're not fine Marcus, you don't need to pretend that it's all good."

"I'm not pretending that everything is good Scarlett -"

"Then what's wrong Marcus? Why are you pushing away everybody who just want nothing from you, except for you to be happy? Who just want to make sure you're alright?" I shouted aloud, staring at the boy who appeared to be an amazing actor. I could tell something was wrong, his best performance wasn't anything he had done on the field but rather now, for holding back whatever it was he was hanging on to.

"I - I just needed some time to think." He muttered to myself as I rolled my eyes.

"Think about what exactly? C'mon Marcus, you really aren't giving me a whole heap to work with. What else am I meant to think when I get your teammate rocking up on my doorstep, telling me how concerned he's been about you. Does that suddenly sound crazy to you now? Whatever it is that's been bothering you, you know you can always talk to me about it. I'm your friend Marcus, I am not going to harm you with whatever it is that I know you want to get off your chest."

He stared coldly at me, as if he was purposely trying to ignore me. Oh god, what if the reason he's so bitter is because of me. Maybe the kiss is what drove him over the ledge?

"Is that the reason you called me here Scarlett, because of a little minor thing Tom said? For christ sakes, there is nothing happening to me, can't you understand me? I'm fine, I just said I'm fine -"

Smoke and Mirrors (Smoke #1)Where stories live. Discover now