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Taking our seats on the second level of the stadium, I felt somewhat at ease since my stressful day at work yesterday. As much as I did enjoy being a journalist and the perks that came with it, I did find it a little tiring with the long hours and stressful deadlines, as yesterday did prove; but with the bad always came the good. That was the thing about having a job like mine, sometimes you're going to have to sacrifice your energy and time but that feeling of knowing that you changed a persons life because of what you do is truly satisfying and completely unexplainable.

"Ah, whoever got you these tickets get seriously good seats." Gemma squealed as I smirked, mentally thanking Marcus for what could possibly be one of the best nights of my life.

Grasping in one hand a mouthwatering hot dog and a cold can of cola, Gemma snapped a photograph of me as I almost let it slide until I heard her giggling right beside me. I rolled myself, wanting to not say a word until she took several more photos of me making it obvious.

"Okay seriously, I know you were just taking a bunch of photos of me that you're probably just going to post on instagram or snapchat." I bluntly stated as Gemma cleared her throat and shook her head, pretending that she was innocent in whatever it was that she was doing. I assumed the game was about to begin very soon since much of the seating was filled up. I grabbed out my phone and saw a notification of Gemma's instagram tagging me in a photo. Rolling my eyes, I opened the app to find a photo of me taking a bite of my hotdog posted by Gemma.

@fabulousfxsher_: with my darling @swxlde17, promise you still look adorable with your face like that 💛

"Gemma" I whined as she just looked at me and smiled cheekily. I rolled my eyes once again before gesturing for her to get ready for a photo. I held out my phone and snapped a photo of the pair of us before tagging Gem and sharing it to Instagram. I already began to be getting a number of likes on photos when a few striking comments showed up on screen, particularly one from Mitch.

@mitchhoneychruch_: Looking good as always Scarlett, but who's that girl next to you? I swear she looks so much like my aunt.

I burst out laughing the moment I read Mitch's comment. I don't know what it is but his childlike persona was enough for anyone to have it as their highlight of the day. Gemma looked at me perplexed as I shook my head and told her not to worry as she kept her focus on the ground in front of her.

"Mitch better get off Instagram and get his mind on the game." I muttered jokingly to myself before putting my own focus on the Fremantle boys prepare for the game doing their warm ups.

"Oh damn, is that Nat Fyfe? He still looks gorgeous even though I couldn't see him." Gemma exclaimed as I laughed and casually folded my arms awaiting for the game to begin. As much as I was ready for the game, I was also excited to see most of the boys since I haven't seen them in a long while. The players in purple continued their training for several more moments before they headed off the field as the match was about to begin.

"Ready?" Gemma asked seriously as I let a smile form across my face, trying to remain as calm as I could.

"I'm as ready as I'll ever be!" I exclaimed as the two captains from both teams rushed towards the centre of the field. I smiled even more feeling happy that they showed sportsmanship towards each other even they were going to eventually battle it out.

"Oh my god, I'm super excited. The freakin match is about to begin yet I have no clue how to contain myself." I stammered quickly as Gemma just nodded her head, focusing on the oval.

"My face feels like it could fall off any second with how much I've been smiling." Gemma said as the stadium erupted in a loud roar filled with ecstasy and anticipation. Both captains stood still getting ready for the coin toss which made me feel uneasy a little. When the coin toss was done, the players found their way to their positions before the whistle roared as the umpire bounced the ball which at that exact moment, I could also feel my heart sink into chest.

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