An Invitation

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Sofia's POV:

It was the middle of January. The weather was cold but the skies were clear during the day and night. It happened to be 8:15 am on a Saturday morning and I was standing behind the counter in my kitchen.

"I've got something to tell you. It's more of a plead since I always have to plead to you." My best friend and roommate Sarah said as she came and sat in the high chairs.

"What is it this time?" I asked her asked as I chopped some fruit.

"Well, you know what day is coming up right? My 6 months of going out anniversary with Josh is tomorrow... and I was kinda wondering if you wanted to..."

"No." I simply said.

"I haven't even asked you yet! Plus I wasn't even finished talking." Sarah said.

"Fine. Tell me everything you have to say. No pauses." I said to her as I poured some strawberries and bananas on the blender.

"Okay!" She said excitedly and sat up better. "So Umm where do I start?"

"The beginning." I said and we both chuckled.

"Kaykay. Well Josh wants to spend the day with me but the night with both of us."

"Huh? Why me? I'm not his girlfriend."

"No! Well you know how I've always wanted to go to that annual party downtown?" She asked.

"Ugh! Yes I know what you're talking about. That costume party thing you always bug me with to go to." I said a bit annoyed.

"Masquerade ball. Yes."

"Whatever, same thing. I totally forgot that was around these days. But my answer is still no." I said to her and turned on the blender.

"Well I'm not asking you to go with us. I'm ordering you." She shouted over the blender's noise. I turned it off and looked at her.

"I'm not going. I don't want to be third wheeling again. It's YOUR anniversary, it's YOUR night. You guys have fun, I'll be alright here." I said and poured the smoothie in two glass cups.

"Ugh! Josh and I both made this decision. So you're going with us!" She shouted and I rolled my eyes. "Plus, you really haven't seen or paid good attention to your fridge."

"What are you talking about?" I asked her as I took the milk and turned to put it back in the fridge. "You sure can be weird sometimes." As I said this, I took the handle of the fridge door and noticed three golden tickets.
I froze in the spot and then quickly left the milk inside and took the tickets. "Three? When did you get them?" I asked her. She had a huge grin in her face that I swear I could just throw her the popping toast.

"Well I didn't get them. Josh won them in a raffle at work. He actually got four but he sold one to this guy that was begging him to give him one. He already had bought one but couldn't afford to buy the other, so he asked Josh and he sold it to him. That's why there's three." Sarah explained. I put the tickets in front of her and just stared at them.

"So you're going with us no matter what." She ended with a smile.

"No. I'm not going to that party thing. I've got other things to do." I said and turned around to serve out breakfast.

"Tomorrow... Sunday night... you have something to do?" She asked.


"What is that? Sit in your couch watching depressing movies? No way girl. You're going to fix yourself up a bit to go out and have some fun." She said joyfully.

I sighed and gave her plate. "Look Sarah, thanks for the invite but I can't go."

"Why not? If it's for the clothes I'll pay you a dress and shoes and all that. Remember I owe you one from that time." Sarah said. I gave her a small smile and nodded.

"Yeah I know but... I'm just not in the mood of going to a party. I've had a tough week." I answered as I served myself my breakfast.

"See? With a much bigger reason you should go with us to the party!"

"No! Sarah no! I have to look for a job because the company closed!" I shouted frustratedly. She sat there lookin at me for a second without blinking.

"... you should have told me the company closed. But... wasn't it only in bankruptcy?" She asked with a low tone.

I sighed and sat next to her. "Yeah but the situation got worse and they had to close it."

"When did you get discharged?"

"Just yesterday. Everyone got their final check. Now I have to search for a job, specially now with your career and the rent." I said sadly as I tried to keep eye contact with her. I poured some syrup in my toast and took a bite of my bacon.

"Oh. I'm sorry Sofia... look you what? I'll let you think about it. But not too much since the dance is tomorrow night." Sarah said and I turned to look at her.

"Alright." We ate in silence for a while until I couldn't take it any longer. "Ugh Fine! I'll go to that stupid ball!" I grunted.

"Yay!" She screamed and leaned against me, surrounding me with her long and skin arms as she hugged me.

"Okay, enough with the bear hug." I said as I gently tapped her back so she could release me. She eventually did and said. "Then, let's go shopping!"

"Right now?" I asked.

"Yes! We need a dress, some shoes, jewelry, a good massage, okay a really nice make over! It'll be all on me. Don't worry about paying me anything." She said as she took her plate and placed it in the sink.

I chugged down the rest of my breakfast and got ready for an exhausting day of shopping with my best friend Sarah.

Hey guys! So this is another Il Volo story. It will contain some fictional stuff but that won't come until chapter 3 or 4. So I hope you like it. VOTE, COMMENT, AND SPREAD THE WORD! ~Bridget

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