Rooftops, Dreams, & Lips

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Gianluca stood leaning against the rail of the quiet and calm rooftop. He admired the city of New York, specially at night. He heard some steps behind him and turned slightly to check what it was.

Sofia grabbed herself from the railing and took in another deep breath and looked down at the street. "This is making me feel much better." She looked up but the feeling from earlier came back. "Ugh!" She only grunted as she didn't want to throw up. The vomit was coming up and she leaned more towards the railing.

A sudden pull from the back of her coat made her swallow her vomit. "What the hell is wrong with you?" Someone said and spinned her.

"Uuhhh." She still grunted.

"You do know you almost fell from there right?" Gianluca told Sofia.

"I don't feel good." She managed to say.

He looked at him as he began to bend over a bit. "Woah! Are you okay?" Gianluca asked. "Ugh!" She kept making the sound of her throwing up any second. Gianluca rolled his eyes and took a step back from him. "You should just go to the bathroom." He said with disgust.

Sofia bent more towards him and he took another step back and began to look around for a cup. There really wasn't anything so he grabbed a small fake plant from the table beside him and yanked off the plant. "Um, here. Just..."

He didn't even finish talking when she just pulled the pot with his hand and began throwing up. Gianluca did a very disgusted face and by just hearing him puke, it made him want to puke too. To avoid a party of puke, he looked away and tried to breath in.

Once Sofia had completely emptied her stomach, she fell flat in the floor and happily said, "I needed that."

Gianluca turned slowly around and noticed that he still was holding the puked pot and quickly put the fake plant on it and threw it to his side. Sofia looked at the plant and said, "Thanks. That's a nice gift."

At that moment Piero and Ignazio walked towards where Gianluca was standing. "So you two are up here." Ignazio said.

"Is he okay?" Piero asked.

"Yes! I feel waaaay much better. Thanks for asking." Sofia said and stood up while wiping her mouth from the corner.

"Please tell me you didn't do anything that could harm you." Ignazio said. She didn't reply, instead she just smiled. "Well, it's good to know that because of him we are all here together."

"Yeah. This celebration has finally made us come together, don't you think?" Piero asked Gianluca.

Gianluca turned and said, "How can you say that? Can't you see the state he is in?"

Sofia chuckled and said, "This place feels nice." She turned and walked towards were there was a small bench and got up on it. "It feels nice up here."

Ignazio took Piero's tea and began drinking it. "You know, he's really something special."

"Yeah. This sure will be interesting." Piero said while smiling.

"It will either be interesting or a complete disaster." Gianluca said while he turned around to face his friends.

Meanwhile, Sofia looked up at the sky and began pointing up at the stars. "Woah! It's like I can reach for the stars. Can I touch it?" Gianluca rolled his eyes, Piero just looked at Sofia and Ignazio looked up at the sky to try and see the stars too. At that moment, Sofia suddenly got dizzy and began to unbalance herself from the bench.

The guys noticed he was about to fall and ran to catch him before something happened. They were right below him, their arms stretched, ready to catch their drunken friend. At that moment, Sofia's mind went blank and began to dream.

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