A Beautiful Talented Lady

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The person who was dancing on stage had finished her routine. Sofia stood in the bottom of the metal stairs with a violin in her hands. She was a bit nervous but managed to control it.
'No one will recognize you. Your friends will know what to do if you fail.' She thought to herself as the crowd began to diminish their claps.

"It's time." Josh said, making Sofia turn around and have one last look at her friends.

"I got the lights, don't worry about being blinded." Sarah said, smiling at her friend, trying to make her feel secure.

"I've got the backup music. If you forget a note or something..."

"I won't forget a note. Just... make sure your beat is like mine." Sofia interrupted Josh. He smiled and nodded to her. "Good luck." He last said before the stage lights went dark and the crowd waited for the next person to go up.

Sofia took a deep breath and let it out through her mouth, puffing her cheeks and relaxing her shoulders. "I've got this." She said to herself and went up the metal stairs. Once in the stage, the crowd didn't seem to have her attention yet as they were talking among themselves.

She walked slowly to the front of the stage and took a last deep breath before placing the violin up her shoulder. She closed her eyes and let the air out slowly through her mouth once more. She looked down at her friends and nodded slightly so that her friends could know that she was ready.

Sarah turned on the lights of the stage. They were dim and blue, just like her friend's dress. The crowd stopped talking and everyone had their eyes on her. Sofia looked around and gave all a small smile as she scanned them. She raised her bow and placed it in the sting she was going to begin with.

Meanwhile at the bar, Gianluca had been drinking tons of water and smiled greatly at everyone. Piero and Ignazio were a bit surprised at Gian's sudden mood swing but they preferred to go along with it until it lasts.

"Woah! A violinist!" Piero suddenly said as he had turned around first. Ignazio and Gianluca turned towards the stage and focused their attention to the girl in the middle of the stage. She was the same girl all three had danced with yet neither of them knew that she had danced with her fellow friends/ brothers.

"She's so stunning." Ignazio said outloud as the lights weren't too bright on her face.

"What is she playing for us?" Gianluca asked himself. Both Piero and Ignazio shrugged without letting their eyes get off the beautiful girl with the violin.

Sofia was ready. She stood straighter and stretched her right foot far from her. Her eyes closed to concentrate better. She let the soft and long note play and the electric music began. She played the first notes calmly but once the beat began to get faster, her eyes opened and smiled greatly as she began to dance around the stage and played the instrument she loved.

The crowd cheered and clapped nonstop as Sofia's song was over. Gianluca, Piero and Ignazio had their jaws all the way down to the floor at the spectacular show she had given. Sofia, out of breath, smiled widely at the crowd, vowing politely to her amazing crowd. She nodded in a thank you form and got off the stage immediately.

"That was AMAZING!?" Josh said and he had ran to help her off the stage.

"Sofy! That was incredible. Look! Everyone loves you!" Sarah told her best friend as she gave her a hug.

"I can't believe that they liked it." Sofia finally said as she was too surprised at how the crowd reacted to her performance.

"That's because they loved you!?" Josh said and joined the hug. Sofia laughed at his comment and let the hug last a bit long. They all went to thank the guy who helped them with the arranging and fixed up to head back to their seat. Sofia laid the violin back in it's case and closed it sadly as she had no idea how much time will pass again before getting to play it.

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