Sony Studios

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*3 days later*

"You WHAT!?!" All three Il Volo boys shouted. The news they had gotten was too much to take in.

"We have to make this arrangement. Your sales have been good but we want to get more attention." Michele Torpedine, their producer and official manager, had said.

"Have you considered this a great option?" Piero asked still a bit confused and shocked at the news.

"We have since last year." Michele said.

"LAST YEAR!?" They all shouted once more.

"Yes! And we are making it official. With this, we will for sure bring everyone's attention." Michele said proudly of the official news.

"You are mad! You are crazy! We will NOT accept this." Gianluca shouted angrily while banging his hand in the table.

"Well, the decision is made and talked about in detail. All we have to do now is find a great candidate. And that will be only spread through our contacts so it won't take much publicity at first. But once we have him here, we will make it public." Michele said.

"I don't know about this. But it's worth a shot." Ignazio said as he stood behind Piero cross handed.

"Well it's either that or we become less popular." Gianluca grunted.

"I think it's a great decision. You'll be thanking me later." Michele said as he pointed to each one of them. "And you better be polite to this person."

*Across the city of New York*

"THERE IS NOTHING!?" Sofia shouted and threw her newspaper on the table.

"Calm down! Something will show up. You just have to keep on looking." Sarah said.

"Well it's been 3 days, no 5 days! Since I'm without a job and the bills are piling up. What do you want me to do? Go rob a bank?!" Sofia frustratedly said.

"It's not necessary for you to start getting paranoid." Sarah said a bit sad at seeing her friend struggling to find a job.

"Ugh!?" Sofia grunted and let herself fall in the couch. "Your next school payment is also coming and you know that this month, the charges are higher due to that test you failed."

"I know. I can give you money for that." Sarah said.

"Do not tell me you're planning on taking out from the emergency bank." Sofia said, looking at her friend suspiciously.

"Nooooo... maybe."

"No. That is going to stay there and not be used for anything, understood?" Sofia said, warning her curious friend. "You know what? I need some fresh air."

"Go for a walk. It always helps." Sarah suggested and Sofia nodded. She got up from the couch and headed up to her room. She took out her favorite brown, knee high, leather boots, a khaki color coat and some brown leggings. She only put on a beanie as her hair was straight and up to her shoulders. She took her wallet and phone and shoved it in her coat pocket.

"I won't take long okay?" Sofia said and closed the door of her condo behind her. She went down the elevator, through the lobby and out the building. She began her walk down the street, heading to the most famous parks of New York, Central Park.

Sofia walked slowly down the quiet end of the park. She liked the long walks.. anywhere... specially when she had too many things in her head. The breeze blew lightly but it was cold so she buried her nose in the scarf she was wearing. At that moment, someone sniffing caught Sofia's ear, making her look up from the concrete floor.

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