Music in the Phone

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Gianluca was getting tired of searching for this girl. He looked at the ticket once more and said, "It's almost time for departure. What should I do? Ugh! Where can this girl be?" He turned ahead, finally, and noticed a group of Girl Scouts with red scarfs pass by.

In between the group of Girl Scouts, Sofia was walking alongside with with one of the adults of the group. She sneaked to the side and noticed that Gianluca still had her plane ticket. "He still has it. And there isn't much time for me to board the plane." She told herself and kept walking along with the Girl Scouts.

Gianluca blinked and looked around his surroundings. He sighed and said, "Where the hell am I?" Gian began to talk back to where he had came from and began dialing to Piero and Ignazio.

Sofia was now hiding behind a billboard and had a good distance from where Gianluca was now standing on his other phone. She began to think and said, 'If I can run as fast as I can, and get my ticket without him noticing me, I'll be able to catch my plane. I mean, he is distracted and has my ticket in his hand.' She looked at the distance she had to run and nodded to herself as she was accepting her own challenge. "I can do this."

She fixed up herself and got ready to run. As she began to make her way to get her ticket, she noticed Piero and Ignazio walking towards Gianluca. She managed to stop in time, right behind Gianluca, and ran back to the billboard. "I was sooo close!" Sofia whined as she tried to catch her breath.

"Hey." Gianluca said as Piero and Ignazio came. Ignazio stood next to Gianluca and saw the time the ticket had.

"Oh! It's a few minutes to leave. She's going to miss it anyways." Ignazio said.

"Yeah. Too bad for her. It had a destination to Los Angeles." Gianluca said. Piero checked his watch and said, "Well, now it's time for us to get in our plane too."

"Really? Let's go." Ignazio said and both began walking. Gianluca looked around once more, but found nothing. He placed the ticket in his back pocket and walked away to catch his plane.

Sofia sighed as she saw him putting her ticket in his back pocket. "Now what? I just missed the plane to LA. I won't be able to catch my brother on time." She sat on the floor, and looked up at the ceiling, "Dad... what am I going to now?"

*7 pm.*
Sofia sat sadly and worriedly in one of the airport benches. She thought and thought about what she will do know but nothing came up. She played with the small phone in her hands then it turned on.

She noticed it wasn't hers and remembered it was Gianluca's. "Hm. Might as well..." She stopped and took out her black headphones. She plugged them in the phone and looked through the music. Sofia saw a playlist called M.U.S.I.C and clicked it. It began playing and it said, "Il Volo. Demo #5 song untitled."

"Hm! So this is how his voice sounds?" She asked outloud as she heard the intro. A kind of guitar sound began to play and his voice began to sing.

She had been curling up in her seat, but by the end of the song, she was laying down in the bench. "That's a nice song. I wonder if my brother likes to sing this type of music?"

She began to daydream...
Sarah: Do you know why HE wants to become famous? HE wants to find where your mother is. HE wants to sing and get heard because this is the only way your mother will find you.

'We heard you were abandoned by your mother and father, right?'
'You're parents will never come to find you. You are bastards!? Hahahaha!!' All the children in the orphanage teased Jos and Sofia when they first got to the orphanage they were raised in.

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