Groceries & Movies

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Gianluca fixed his hair on his room. His mind couldn't go anywhere due to the moments when Sofia smiled. He shook his head and blinked repeated. "I need to take her out my mind. She can be a great distraction."

He told his double in the mirror. Suddenly, his phone rang and he walked to his bed. Gian didn't bother seeing who it was and answered, walking back to the bathroom.


"Gianluca." He stopped halfway down as he recognized the voice.

"What do you want?"

"Have you thought on my offer?"

"You sure won't understand do you? You're annoying, getting in my nerves." Gian said angry.

"Just accept it. I k ow you're busy with Michele but I would like for you to rearrange the song. I have to admit, you're good and I'm glad you inherited that from me."

"I inherit nothing from you." He sighed as he didn't want to fight for today. "You know what? I'll do it just so you can stop bugging me. Send me everything to my email. I'll call if I have any questions."

There was a short silence and Gianluca frowned. He was about to speak when his father said, "I never thought you would accept. This was going to be my last attempt at asking you."

"Well I'm feed up with all the bragging because I know those 'presents' come from you." Gianluca said and looked at himself one last time.

"I will send you the information to your email. Do not rush through it, I want it to be perfect."

"Have you forgotten that the song isn't yours?" Gianluca reminded Ercole.

"I am doing my job in find the relatives of the person who wrote it, to get their permission."

"I don't care if you find her children and get their permission. You do whatever you do like you've always done. Do not drag me into anything." Gian said, knowing exactly to whom the song really belonged.

"I will let you know even if you don't want. You will be working on it."

"I told you. Do not drag me into anything. Just send me the info and I'll do what I have to. Don't call me." Gian hung up and threw the phone back in his bed.

He grunted and paced around his room for a couple of minutes. Giving up in over thinking the situation, he took his coat from the desk chair and went downstairs.

As he reached the bottom floor, he noticed Sofia, Piero and Ignazio in the front door. "Were you guys waiting for me?"

"Yeah. We thought you had changed your mind so we were about to leave. But you're here so... Let's go!" Ignazio and wrapped his arms around Sofia's. She giggled and both exit.

Staying in the back, Gianluca and Piero only looked at each other for a second before Gian walked past him, bumping Piero's shoulder.

Piero only shook his head and closed the door behind him. They all took Ignazio's car since it was wider for the groceries to fit. It only took them 15 minutes to get to the store and walked inside.

"I'll go grab a cart." Sofia said and headed over to the side of the store where the carts were. Ignazio went behind her and also pushed the cart by her side.

"This is going to be an unforgettable time." Ignazio said as he saw her walk beside him.

Sofia chuckled and said, "Then we should start doing this more. I've never been shopping with guys before, always with my best friend."

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