Mystery Guy #3: A Fairytale

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*11:45 pm*
Sofia's POV:

The party got even more interesting as the night passed. I guess I got my confidence back and began dancing with Sarah and Josh. At the moment the song 'One Track Mind' by Heffron Drive began to play.

"Let's go sit down for a bit." Sarah shouted to me. I nodded and we dragged each other out the crowd. We got to our table and drank some of the champagne I had brought.

"That's a great song." I said as I swallowed my drink and placed my cup down.

"Yeah! Mm! We should all go and dance the next song after this." Sarah said and I nodded. Josh only shook his head, not agreeing with us.

"Oh come on! Why not? Are you sober already?" I said teasingly to him.

"What?! No! I'm not sober at all." He said this while closing his eyes.

"Are you sure? These couple songs you've been sitting down and drinking only." Sarah said.

"Yeah." I agreed with her.

"Well, I'm not. It's just that I wore the wrong shoes." He said.

"Wait. The wrong shoes? What shoes did you put on then?" Sarah frowned.

"Not the ones you told me. These are killing my feet, and right now I'm not wearing any. I'm like you girls when your high heels are bothering after dancing too much." Josh responded.

We all laughed since it was true. "Hey, to all this. Aren't you wearing high heels?" Sarah asked me.

"Um... yeah, why?" I asked confused at her random question.

"You don't tend to wear high heels for a long period of time." Sarah said.

"Oh yeah! Hehe. Well these aren't your every night out high heels." I said.

"What do you mean? Please don't tell me you're wearing sleepers." Sarah said with an eyebrow up.

"No." I laughed at her comment.

'How is everyone doing tonight?' The Dj interrupted the song and our conversation. We turned towards the Dj and paid close attention to what he had to say now.

Ignazio's POV:

"Now what?!" Gianluca grunted as the Dj had interrupted his conversation.

"I don't know." I said and shrugged. I turned my head and gave my full attention to the Dj.

'I said, how is everyone doing tonight?!' He shouted once more. The entire ballroom roared with shouts. 'I'm glad, I'm glad. So it is just 15 minutes until 12, for those who know about how this event goes, we have a special surprise each year. But before I reveal what it is... I want for everyone to come and form two lines in the dance floor for me. In the right hand, I want all of our beautiful ladies. And on the left side I want all those handsome gentlemen.'

"What is he going to do now?" Piero asked.

"I don't know." I said and shrugged at him.

"He is using everyone as pets." Gianluca said. I don't know why he was becoming so grumpy all of a sudden but today was one of those horrible days. "And Ingi, try saying something else other than 'I don't know.'"

My eyebrows just went up and turned my head to look over Piero. Whom was also surprised at what Gianluca had said so rudely. "Weelll.... that was rude and I'm not going to ruin my night with those kind of comments. I'm just going to check out what's going to happen. Bye!" I said as I quickly got up, fixed my suit and headed to the dance floor.

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