Clumsy Troublemaker

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Out across the world, a group of fans happened to be on a café scrolling through their Il Volo news feed. A new video showed up and it was of Ignazio carrying Gianluca in a black van while Piero had Jos walking beside him with an arm over his shoulder.

"What is this?!" The fans questioned. "Why does the new member Jos and Gianluca look like if they had fought? I bet you they did fight." They said and began thinking of the worse...

*Back in New York*

Gianluca looked in the mirror at his unbelievable scar on the corner of his mouth. He suddenly remembered the incident from last night and shivers went down his spine. "So it WAS all real." He growled in frustration. "I can't think clearly about this... nonsense! I.... I need to take a long bath."

He went to his closet and got the first clothes he found so he could jump in the shower. He got to the bathroom door and he heard someone say, "Excuse me." He turned and noticed it was Jos.

"You are the last person I want to see right now, so get out of my room!!" Gianluca shouted.

Jos seemed to have walked further in and said "I came to apologize for the incident from last night." with a tray of something in his hands.

"I do not want to discuss this at the moment, so just leave so I can wash up and... think clearly." Gianluca said as he smelled his shirt and it felt the smell of liquor and... vomit.

"So this means you forgive me right?" Jos said with a forming smile. Gianluca couldn't believe what he was hearing. "You forgive me?" He repeated.

"Forgive you? Why would I forgive you?" He asked Jos.

"Because... you are a great person and you forgive people." Jos said. Gianluca just wasn't accepting this so easily, and decided to step up to his face.

"When I don't like someone from the beginning, I just don't like them... ever. Specially if this person does things I don't like, then I dislike them even more. I didn't like you at first so why would I like you now that you did something I don't like at all? Oh and I'm a 100% sure you will continue doing this kind of things. That's why I won't even make an effort in forgiving you. Now, GET OUT OF MY ROOM!?" He shouted. Jos only flinched at him. "You stupid, dirty skunk bag." With that said Gianluca turned around angrily and shut the door of this bathroom behind him.

"You should have waited until I took a shower and had my thoughts organized." He said as he began to undress himself.

Meanwhile, Sofia stood half inside of Gianluca's room with the tray of fruit and coffee she had made for him. "Um... could I just leave this here?" She asked outloud as she noticed she didn't want to throw that away.

She walked inside and placed the tray on the desk. "This will make him feel a bit better. Oh!" She had spotted a small candle and lighted it up. "This will make him relax and purify the air since he said it's a bit filthy."

"You better be out of my room!" Gianluca shouted from the shower.

"I'm leaving!" Sofia shouted back and turned abruptly, dropping the little melted wax from the candle. She wanted to rub it off and set the lighted candle on the floor. But she didn't count on the wax to still be hot and burned her finger. Jumping backwards and bumping her butt on the bookshelf, she accidently made a terrible mess.

The books, Cd's and DVD's were now scattered around the room just as Sofia holded the metal bookshelf with her back and spreaded arms. "Oh uh." She said as she tried to shift and put the bookshelf back in place. But it got worse. Blank pieces of paper began flying off the top shelf, landing randomly on the room.

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