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Once Sofia saw what Gianluca was about to do with the contract, she had no other choice but to sing. She closed her eyes and sang the first song that came up to her head.

Piero suddenly looked up and opened his mouth in awe. Ignazio did the same just that his eyes opened widely. Gianluca stayed behind the contract as he did not believe how good He could sing.  Ignazio then gulped and opened his mouth once more. Piero just now couldn't take his eyes off from him. Gianluca now lowered the piece of paper down and frowned as he had never heard that kind of voice before. Sofia had completely finished the last note and slowly opened her eyes.

At that time, Franco had come with the spare key of the room. He quickly opened it and both Michele and Gabriel went rushing inside. Gianluca only turned around and handed the contract back to a now smiling Michele. Piero placed his hand in her shoulder and smiled at her before going after Gianluca.

Ignazio then snuck up to her face and said with an astonished voice, "What a wonderful voice you have. It sure gave me goose bumps. I wonder from where you got that voice out from. Since it seems that Gianluca liked your voice, that makes you part of our group." He said and smiled at her, then petting her head lightly and lastly said, "It will be an honor to work with you." before leaving after his friends with a smile.

Sofia only stood there, not really knowing what had just happened. Michele gave the contract to Gabriel and began to clap. "I know this is going to work very well!" He said happily and patted Sofia in the shoulder. Gabriel only looked down at the contract he had in his hands and couldn't believe that all this had happened since they got there.

*Later that night*
"Okay first of all, thank you for the delicious meal Sofy. But I must know... who is this relative you have that people got you confused with?" Gabriel said after Sofia and Sarah had cooked dinner for him.

"Relative? The only relative she has is her brother." Sarah frowned at hearing this.

"You have a brother?" He asked. Sofia placed the homemade cake in the middle of the table and set the small plates down. "Twin brother."

"WHAT?! Twin brother!" Gabriel shouted, almost spitting out his beverage. "No wonder those people got called you Jos."

"Yeah, that's his name. What I still don't understand is that he is supposed to be in Hollywood. He did say he wanted to be famous, no matter what it had to be of him." Sofia said as she sat down and began to wonder. "Now that I think about it, I'm guessing he sure can sing. I mean, what else would these people know him for?"

"He did have the potential to sing really good. I remember one time you both sang a song when you were little... both sounded the same. Sarah said.

"Yeah, that was when we were like 5 years old. Now, it's different and I haven't sang in such long time." Sofia defended herself.

"Your voice did NOT sound like you haven't sang in years." Gabriel said, sitting up in the chair.

"Wait! You got to listen to her sing?! Sofia! You sang?" Sarah shouted and questioned.

"I had to... I had no other choice. Which reminds me... I need to give him a call. He has to listen to me about this!" Sofia said angrily, leaving the table and going to the living room to dial her brother.

She hung up a couple of minutes later after shouting and getting angry at the phone. She turned around and walked back like a zombie to the table. Gabriel and Sarah frowned and asked her, "Are you okay? What happened?"

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