Accidential Eavesdropping

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*Dance class*

"Oh no!" Sofia said as she tried to avoid stepping in the dance room. Barbara and Gabriel had been trying to push her in. "Tell me again why Michele wants me to dance?"

"Ugh! Fine!" Barbara said and gave up on pushing her in the class full of dancers. "Look, he just wants you to be occupied for now. So we had thought of the language classes but since you're good at that, then dance classes it is. Even though with this boy group you won't be dancing, it is preferable for you to know some moves."

"But I don't have to. I think I know enough." Sofia protested.

"Yes, but you're moves aren't that extraordinary. This will help you in a future." Gabriel said.

"How can dancing be helpful in the future?" Sofia asked.

"Forget it. We are here so you better learn how to dance at least some hip-hop or salsa or whatever." Barbara said and began pushing her in the class. Once inside, all she could see was guys in sweaty tank tops and sweats.


"No buts! Just follow their steps." Gabriel said and both him and Barbara pushed her in the dancing group. Apparently they were dancing some hip-hop so she tried her best in dancing that. She knew simple dancing like waltzing and dancing classical music, not mention some ballet since that was something she was good at.

She struggled in just keeping up with the trainer, then with the timing. It was a total mess for her that she just wanted to quit. Barbara and Gabriel noticed she had had enough for the day and decided to call it off for later.

They went back to Sony Studios as they had to let Michele know how Jos's first day went. Once in the front entrance, the now small mob of protesting girls still happened to be there. Sofia and Gabriel noticed the fangirls and called security to escort them through the mob.

Sofia felt bad as the girls shouted 'her name' and wishing for 'him' to leave the group. Even as she let Barbara wrap her up and get ready for a talk with Michele, she thought about this situation. She still doubt on staying for a longer time, but the thought of her motive made her just keep on.

Two days passed and Sofia worked hard on her dancing classes. Even if it was language, dance or whatever type of activy she had to do, they were just some classes for Sofia. Little by little she learned the steps of three songs alongside Gabriel, who was always paying close attention at the steps and happened to be dancing with the class too.

This specific day, happened to be quite a surprise for everyone...

Michele had been freed by the rumor of Gianluca's and Jos's fight. He had also arranged some special events for the boys to go and perform, and kept with the making of their next album.

*Meanwhile in The Muse Hotel*

Gianluca had been scrolling through his Twitter news and just so happened to be reading about the mob of fangirls opposing to Jos's position in the group. "Aish!" He grunted and set his laptop down in the small table in front of him.

"I can't keep doing nothing in here." He said to himself as he got up and walked around his room. His phone began to ring out of nowhere and he went to get it. The caller ID said it was Michele but he rejected the call and threw his phone on the couch.

*In the dressing room*

"Hey... look at me." Barbara said to a zoned out Sofia. She looked up at her but didn't say a word. "I know that this rants of you leaving the group have you really tired. So please smile up a bit."

"No." She said and looked down.


Sofia took a deep breath and let it out slowly, "You're right. I've never felt this affected by other before so it's kind of upsetting."

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