Artificial Love

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Gianluca was more than concentrated on finishing up the song his Father had made him do. He sighed as he wasn't getting the bridge part of the song.

Sofia looked over him through the see-through door. She opened the door and walked in as she had some tea for him and for her too. "Smells like fried brains in here." She casually said.

Gianluca looked up and froze. "Hi." Sofia said. He nodded a hi to her and saw some cups in her hands. "You brought me something huh?"

"Yeah. Some warm chamomile tea with a little bit of sugar." She said and stepped beside him by the piano. She handed a cup to him and he took it.

"Thanks. I really needed something to relax me down." He said and took a sip of it.

"I see you're loosing your mind here. I should let you concentrate." She said as she glanced over the music sheets.

"Mm... No it's fine. Actually I'm glad someone came, I need some opinions and if possible a bit of help." He said as he put the cup over the piano.

"You've been pretty busy lately. Do you have to finish this song soon?" Sofia asked.

"No. But I want to finish it as soon as I can so I don't have to worry about it." He said.

"Oh. Then... Mind if I listen to what you have so far?" She asked and he nodded.

"Come sit here." Gian pulled her to his side and made her sit right next to him.

"Um okay?" She said as she set her cup next to his on the piano.

Gianluca played the second stanza and the chorus before he came to the missing bridge part. Sofia only frowned as the lyrics sound very familiar once again.

"Did you write the song yourself?" She asked.

"No. Actually I'm helping Ercole Ginoble with it. He was the one who asked me if I could rearrange this song. I don't know and I don't care from where he got it but it is an old song. You might have heard it before." Gianluca said.

Sofia looked over to the small stand opposite of Gianluca. "Yeah probably. Are those the original lyrics?" She asked as she pointed over to the stand.

Gianluca turned and took the pages. "Yes. You can take a look." He handed them to her and she took them. The papers themselves seemed old and loosing it's white color. The lyrics and music notes were barely visible so as the title.

"Did Mr. Ercole take this from a basement or something? This is like a relic." She said and chuckled.

"I really hate the fact that I know from where he got it. I wish not to speak about it." He said and drank some tea.

"Oh. Okay." She said looked at the title. 'Mystery Lover ~To the love of my life... -C' "Who is C?"

Gianluca turned to see her and said, "The songwriter's name was there but throughout the years, it faded. Only her first initial was left."

"Her?" Sofia asked.

"Yes. She was waaaayyy too close to my father." Gianluca made a fist with his left hand as he remembered his childhood.

"Oh. I'm sorry. I won't ask anything else." She said as she noticed the room feeling a bit awkward. "Hey! Why don't I try and sing the bridge as it's written here, and then mess around with the notes?"

"Why.... I guess." He said confusedly and let her take over the piano as he scooted up to his left.

Sofia only sang...
'It was a beautiful dream that
Is going far away into the distance, this Reality...
In this deep darkness I only waited for you
This night, that time caressed

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