Can't Help It

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"You know you worry me right?" Piero said nicely to Sofia. She was looking down, not really saying any other word, but looked up to him. "It gets me worried when you act a bit distant. I don't want anything to bother you, or make you feel sad or bad about it. I want the best for you."

Sofia smiled lightly and said, "Thanks, but I'm alright really." She sniffed a bit and gulped hard. "You didn't have to come for me you know that right? I was going to leave tomorrow."

"Because you need time to...? What? Practice?" Piero asked but Sofia looked back down. "I know there's something wrong with you. It's okay if you open up to me, I'll understand."

Sofia's eyes began to water and tried her best to not cry in front of Piero. He ,on the other hand, felt useless as he didn't know how else to help her. "It's just that...." Sofia only said and covered her face with her hands.

Piero couldn't see her like this so he hugged her and rubbed her back so she could calm down. "Piero.... it's  just that... this is difficult... I don't... I don't know if I'm going to be able to.... continue." Sofia sobbed.

Piero kept hugging her, but he didn't quite understand what was difficult for her. "Look, it's alright. In the end you'll see the good results out of all this. Just be strong for a bit more... but if you can't and feel like falling... I'll be there to catch you."

Sofia thought that Piero was being way too nice to her, so she decided to stand up. "Look, I appreciate your concern and all but I get over this quickly." She wiped her tears away and blinked.

Piero got up too and faced her. "I will help you with that then. Don't push me away, I'm here for you."

"You know, with you just telling me you are concern of me is enough. Thanks Piero, really." Sofia chuckled a bit as she sniffed away her tears.

Piero smiled and told her, "In that case, let's turn that frown upside down. I have something in mind that might cheer you up."

Sofia frowned and finished wiping her tears away. "What?" Piero only smiled and took her hand, dragging her away from the beautiful site of the country side of Italy.

*In New York*

Gianluca sat in the recording booth, reflecting on how Sofia was. Piero and Ignazio had reminded him of how he left her in Italy. "Gian! Gian!" He suddenly heard someone call him.

"Gian! Oh you're here. Hey! Piero brought Jos back! He's going to sing your song too, so he's in Michele's recording studio." Ignazio said enthusiastic.

"Jos is here?" Gianluca asked.

"Yeah! Come on!" Ignazio said, but Gianluca frowned and stayed seated. "Okay, suit yourself." He turned around and left Gianluca alone in the studio.

"How did he manage to bring Sofia back if she didn't want to come with me?" Gianluca asked himself.

*In the recording booth*

Sofia got ready in the recording booth while Michele and Franco were just fixing the last details of the recording.
"Okay Jos. Take it away!" Michele said and she nodded. She put on her headphones and began to sing once the music started.

'Every morning, I watch to you walking...'

"No, no, no!" Michele stopped the recording. "Give me more sentiment, feel the song."

"Michele, this song is talking about loving someone that doesn't even pay attention to. Could you take it easy a bit?" Gabriel said as he had remembered what the lyrics were about.

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