Pinky Promise

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*Next morning*

"Jos... Jos I'm coming in." Gabriel said and opened the door to now Gianluca's and Sofia's room. His eyes widened as he saw the scene in front of him. "Jesus Christ! What the...?"

He then noticed something strange in the way Sofia laid on top of Gianluca's chest. Gabriel didn't hesitate and walked in, closing the door behind him and approached them. "Huh?" He frowned as he looked that the taser he had given her was just a few feet from her.

He picked it up and quietly took it away, leaving them alone and closing the door shut behind him once again. Gabriel was too in shock that he had to sit in the middle of the stairway.

He just began to imagine the possibilities of what might have happened that the taser ended on the floor and Sofia and Gianluca in the same bed... cuddled up. "Ugh!" He gave up on thinking what could have gone on that he almost tassed himself.
"God! This is even more dangerous than the paper spray. Man, she was right." Gabriel told himself as he just saw and kept the taser away from him as possible. "I'm throwing this to the trash immediately. Someone could get hurt."


Sofia slipped down the bed and off from Gianluca's chest, falling hard on the floor. "Ugh!" She grunted after the loud thump and sat up as she rubbed her knee and head.

"Wakey Wakey you... oh! You're up early Jos." Sofia's aunt said as she came in the room. "Go get ready that the breakfast is almost done."

Sofia was still half asleep that she just nodded. Meanwhile her aunt walked in and saw that Gianluca was still asleep. "God, and I thought that the leaders of the groups were the ones to wake up first." She said and uncovered him.

Gian didn't even wake up, instead he just turned sideways and kept sleeping. Sofia's aunt gasped as he didn't even wake up so she raised her hand and Bam! "Wake up Mr. Gianluca!" She shouted as she had slapped his butt.

He immediately woke up and jumped in the bed, sitting up all surprised of what the lady had done to him. "Come on Jos. Don't fall back asleep on the floor, get up." The lady said and left the room while dragging Sofia out his room.

"How dare she touch me?!" He shouted as she completely left his room. He was mad... very, very mad.


Just right downstairs in the kitchen, Piero, Ignazio and a still half asleep Sofia sat in the table as her aunt served up the breakfast.

Piero ate slowly as he didn't trust fully on what the oatmeal had. Ignazio devoured a little of everything Sofia's aunt had made and Sofia herself still had the spoon of cereal in her mouth as she stared blankly in space.

"Here you go. I made more pancakes, you need to eat very well since you guys probably don't eat until later." Sofia's aunt said as she placed a big plate full of pancakes.

Gianluca stepped down the stairs and turned slowly to the kitchen as heard this lady talking. "Piero, you sure have nice table manners." She said. "Jos, are you not hungry? Why aren't you eating?"

Gianluca approached the site of everyone, even interrupting the lady's and Gabriel's conversation, as he walked right between them. He served himself some orange juice and Sofia's aunt noticed he just grabbed that.

"Are you not going to eat?"

"No. I don't eat breakfast." He plainly said. Sofia's aunt git surprised cleaned up her hands.

"Really? Oh, and I prepared healthy pancakes and delicious oatmeal." She said and removed the extra plates from the table.

"Hey... I must tell you about the rules in this house." Gianluca said as the lady looked up at him. "First of all... don't touch me."

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