Taking You Back

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*In New York*

Martina smiled as she drove to the airport. It was night time in New York and she got the first flight available to Italy. "How dare you Gianluca Ginoble, dump me for a spoiled girl and a bear that chased you."

She laughed uncontrollably and then calmed down a bit. "Oh, once I see him I'll laugh my butt off on him. But if he got hurt then, I won't go too harsh on him. I'll see then."

Martina shrugged it off and kept going to the airport. It was going to be a quick flight as she rented a private jet, so she mentally prepared the speech she was going to give Gianluca once she got there.

*Back in Italy*

Everything was dark now and both Sofia and Gianluca still walked down the roads of the small town. "Can you walk a bit slower? I can't really see over here." Gianluca whined.

"We're going fast since you basically ran a bit too far from the town." Sofia said over her shoulder.

"I didn't ran away. I took refuge from that bear's claws." Gianluca cleared it out.

"Uh huh. Sure, what ever you say." Sofia said and kept walking. Suddendly, a loud roar was heard in the distance.

"Oh my god. Did you hear that?" Gianluca said afraid as he hid behind Sofia.

"Yeah I heard it." She answered a bit scared off. "It wasn't the bear as we aren't close to the river or ocean."

"Oh! There is goes again. Sofia, get me out of here now! That doesn't sound like a rabbit at least." Gianluca said after the roar echoed again.

"Well, a rabbit definitely doesn't do that noise. You still think it's a bear right? Do you not like bears?" Sofia asked as she looked at him over her shoulder.

"I hate bears."

"Why would you hate on bears? All they do is eat fish and be cuddling looking." Sofia said.

"Well you sure haven't seen what a bear can do to a human have you?" Sofia just shook her head. "Well they may look cuddly but they're really beasts. I've seen what they can do. A friend got injured and I almost got killed too when I was younger."

"Did another bear hurt you on your hip?" Sofia frowned and asked as he was rubbing his left hip as he stared down at the grass.

Gianluca only turned to look at her and said, "You're as dangerous as a bear can be."

Sofia made a disgusting face and asked, "Do I look like a bear to you?"

"Yes. You're a bear." Gianluca said to her.

"Well you're not as handsome as you think. Hm!" She stuck her tongue out and kept walking, leaving him behind.

"Hey! Where do you think you're going? Come back here!" Gianluca shouted after her and got caught up. "You're a mean bear."

"I don't care. Instead I'll sing you a song you most likely will hate. It called Winnie-the-Pooh." Sofia said and began to sing it.

"Please don't sing that song. I hate it. Shush!" Gianluca said until she stopped singing and walking. "Why did you stop? Are we here? Hey, this flashlight isn't working anymore."

"No we're not home yet. I'm just tired. I stopped so we can rest for a bit." Sofia said and sat down in a small rock under a big tree.

Gianluca sat down next to her and sighed. "This is the worst day of my life."

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