Today Is His Birthday?

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  In Gianluca's case, he only changed and went to the company's van. His phone rang and he answered. "Ciao mamma. Thank you for the birthday wishes, I totally forgot today was my birthday. I've been too busy to even remember in what day I am living in."

"It's okay my bambino. Anyways, I've sent you a present, so I hope you receive it today." Leonora said over the phone.

"Thanks mamma. How's Ernie? How is work going for you?" Gianluca asked, a bit happy of receiving this call.

"It's been good. And your brother is fine, he's actually telling me to say to you Tanti Auguri to you." His mother said and he laughed.

"Alright thanks you guys. I have to go now, I'll give you a call later tonight if that's alright with you." Gianluca asked and then heard his mother's blessings. He then hung up and started at his phone for a while. "I wish he could remember my birthday and call me like mom."


Sofia signed a bit of autographs with the crowd that had come over to see this shooting. Martina walked down the set and noticed she was there, deciding to go over and check if Gianluca was with her. "Hey Jos!" She shouted over to her.

"Uh Yeah?"

"Have you seen Gianluca?" She asked.

"No. I thought he was with you since you two were the last ones on set." Sofia said as she signed the fans posters and t-shirts. 

"Actually no. He left first than me that's why I'm asking you." Martina said. "Anyways, I see that you are busy so I'll leave. Thanks for nothing." She said and turned around. Sofia only frowned at her attitude but went back to giving away autographs. "Hm. I wonder what will happen if I bring Jos a couple of reporters. Let's see how well she can handle them on her own." Martina smirked and walked faster to where the reporters were. 

"Jos!" Someone called her and she turned. It was Gianluca standing under a tree and motioning her to go over to him. She smiled at him and said goodbye to her fans. "Yeah, what's up?" 

"Let's go." Gianluca said and began to walk. She frowned and shrugged her shoulders, for later she followed him.

"So how was the autograph signing back there grizzly bear?" Gianluca asked as they walked back to the car. 

"It was alright but don't call me that." She said.

"Whatever. I was amazed you handled that well. I can't imagine if they were reporters." Gianluca said but Sofia stopped.

"Reporters?" She said and frowned as she had overheard Martina's comment. "Wait! I heard Martina say something about reporters coming over with me. i bet you they are looking for me now."

Gianluca's eyes widen as he turned around. She didn't even tell him anything and began to run back to where the fans were. "Jos!" He called after her but she didn't even stop. Sofia ran back to see if there were reporters interrogating them... to her surprise... there were tons of them.

"Jos!" Gianluca shouted and stopped behind her. At his shout, everyone heard and the reporters began to walk over to where they stood. 

"Jos! Gianluca! We would like to get some answers!" The reporters shouted all at once. Sofia's eyes widen and Gianluca took her by the arm. "Let's get out of here." They ran until they reached Gian's car. "That was a close one." 

"Yeah." Sofia panted as they stopped after running for a while.

"Ginaluca!" Martina's voice was heard and both turned around. "Did you bring your car. I forgot mine so take me home." She smiled 'kindly'.

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