Now What, A Celebration?

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*Meanwhile with Sofia*

Barbara had taken her to where Gabriel was. There, he told the story that the lady had told him to her. She then wanted to speak with her in person. "Jos, I've been looking for you because you are the only relative I have left now." The lady said.

"I don't have anyone back in Sicily to be around with or spend some time with. When your parents split, each made their own paths so I took over for some time to raise both of you." The lady said as she took Sofia's hands and kissed them. "Until your mom came and told me that your father had passed away. I wasn't too close to my brother as his job consisted on traveling a lot."

"So you're my father's sister. You know everything about him." Sofia said in a broken voice.

"Like I told you, I don't really know what your father lived out from most of the time. But the last thing I heard was that he was a singer and had a couple of hit songs." Her aunt said. "And about your mom... I did get to talk to her several times before she disappeared. She was a songwriter I believe."

"Yes that's right." Sofia replied.

"Okay. But I got this news recently, just like I'm telling you. Now you can't find your dead mother." Her aunt cried. "But I'm glad I found you."

Sofia looked away as this lady cried her eyeballs out. She was trying to slowly connect the missing pieces she had on her mind. She was thinking... on her future with Il Volo... now what?

Their conversation wasn't that long. Her now aunt, had been traveling a lot that she felt exhausted and decided to go back to her hotel. Gabriel drove Barbara to her house first, then was leaving Sofia back in the condo.

The ride to her place was quiet but Gabriel decided to break it. "Sofy... I think you should cheer up since you at least found your aunt."

She turned towards him and gave him a sad smile, "Yeah. Thanks to you I found her."

"I didn't do much. Plus, you're like my little sister and I do whatever you order me to. We've been through this crazy ride together so why we are getting out of it together too." Gabriel said and glimpsed at her, then placing his hand on top of hers.

She nodded and pit her other hand on top of his. "Thanks again." He then nodded too and put his hand back in the steering wheel.

"Hey, you did an amazing job today at the festival, specially this being your first live performance." Gabriel changed the subject. "You should continue like..."

"I should stop and quit now." She interrupted him. Gabriel looked over at her with a frown.


"I promised Gianluca to quit the group once I found about my mother." She said in a serious tone.

"You. Sofia Valenti made a promise to him?" Gabriel asked in shock.

"Yes. And you very well know that when I promise something I do it. Yeah, I know you must think I stopped promising but I wanted to try this since this was a great opportunity to help my brother." Sofia said, not bothering on looking at him since she knew he had a confused expression on.

Gabriel didn't say much but kept driving. He got to her condo and dropped her off. A "Be careful." And "Good night." was all he said to her as she got off and went to upstairs.

Once up in the floor of her condo, she opened the door and got surprised at a loud popping sound heading her way. "What in the world is this for?!" She shouted as she almost fell to the floor from the sudden loud sound.

"We are going to have a party to celebrate your first performance!" Ignazio shouted as he let the now empty popper down. He ran next to Piero and sat in the sofa as there was cake and other sweets and foods in the living room center table. Both clapped and tried to put a happy face for him.

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