The Festival News

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Everyone was now in line and waiting for the festival to start. All the way on the gulf cart and now walking towards the actual sport's car, Sofia kept glancing at the phone's screen for any message or call. Piero was by her side all along and it worried him that Jos wasn't going to be fully focused.

They took their seats in the car and then it began to move. The festival started and all they had to do was smile and wave just as the passed by the people. Gianluca, Ignazio, and Piero sat in the back of the car while Jos sat in the front with the chauffeur.
Reporters began to walk along them and ask them questions but Jos just kept focusing on her phone. A few feet away from the festival down the road, Gianluca saw Jos check her phone and got enough of it.

"Jos, give me your phone." He growled under his fake smile as he waved too. The car now stopped and they got off to get ready to perform. He didn't hesitate and took the phone away from her hands.

"Hey! What are you doing?!" She shouted angrily.

"The only thing you are very worried about is whatever you have in this phone, when it's clearly more important this performance." He shouted at her. "It's your very first performance Jos, so you better be concentrated on this and do it right! I guess you do want to get kicked out being like this."

Sofia just looked down the entire time until he finished speaking. "Gian, I think everything will be over sooner than I thought." She said in a low voice.

Gianluca's angry face now turned into a confused frown. "What?"

"You know that lady that I was after in the subway station? Well she has come back. Meaning that I'll find my mom soon." Jos said plainly.

Gianluca didn't know what to say or what do other than just look around but not at her. "I guess that's good. So you are leaving as you promised me?" He asked.

"Yeah. I won't be bothering you much anymore." She said with a sad smile. "And it's thanks to you that this time has come. I'm also thankful with you for letting me stay."

Gianluca only swallowed hard and looked at her firmly. "Since I'm not seeing you again then I should be thanking you."

She smiled at him and said, "So can you give me my phone back? This lady is going to call me to this cellphone."

Gianluca frowned at her comment but he nicely said, "No. I won't give it to you until after the show. I want you to concentrate on your performance, I don't want anything going wrong okay? Endure that necessity of checking it for a couple of minutes."

"Yeah, you're right. I promise I will do my best." Jos said as she nodded to him. "In that case, could you take care of it until the end of the show?"

Gianluca only nodded and Jos left him there to go catch up with Piero. Gian still stayed on the side of the car, looking at her phone in his hand. "So, is she calls it means she's out?" He sighed and then a smirk formed in his face. "This is a blessed phone." With that he walked towards where the others had gone to.

*10 minutes later*

'Ladies and gentlemen, it is that time again. This next group is known worldwide by three members, but today... this being their first performance as a 4 member group, here they are... Il Volo!!!'

Piero, Gianluca, Ignazio and Jos took their places in the stage and let the orchestra play their first song. At this moment, Jos felt excited and a bit nervous as she could hear the big crowd in the other end of the curtain. The curtain rose and the fans shouted even louder. The light hit Gianluca first as he was the to start the song...

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