Treated As A Princess

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Martina was now facing Jos. She smirked and said "Jos! I'm so glad I just saw you. I would like to have a word with you." She smiled fakely at Jos.

Sofia just looked at her surprised. She hadn't even crossed a word with her before and had already said she was her biggest fan. Sofia and Martina weren't alone, Gabriel and two other music producers were present. They happened to be sitting on the lobby, having a break as Martina was stomping her way out before she noticed Jos.

"Hey! This is good news! You have more fans now." Gabriel said and Martina nodded at Jos in agreement.

"Oh! Well thank you." Jos only said and smiled at her.

"Do you mind if I take a picture with you?" Martina asked.

"Umm no not at all." Jos said and got up to stand beside her. Martina gave her phone to Gabriel to take the picture. He gladly took it and let them get in position.

Martina wrapped her arm around Jos's arm and began to be too friendly with him. Sofia only jumped as she got too close to her but pretended she got caught off guard. Martina leaned towards Jos and whispered, "You don't look like a man at all."

At this, Jos turned to see her and frowned. Gabriel overheard this and let the phone down before taking the picture. "What did you just say?" Jos asked.

"That you don't look like a man." Martina repeated.

Jos felt uncomfortable and took her hand away from hers. "I don't know what you're talking about?" Martina noticed this and pulled Jos's arm towards her even more.

"Why are you surprised? I don't even think I make you feel intimidated." Martina said as she flipped her long hair away from her shoulder and left it bare for Jos to see. "That's why I'm saying this."

"Oh! Hehehe." Jos only said and smiled in a forced way. Martina only grinned and posed for the picture.

"Okay. Say Chesse!" Gabriel said in a 'relaxed' tone. He took the picture and then the other producers surrounded Martina. He saw the chance to talk to Sofia and dragged her out the small mob.

"Hey, you did good in avoiding her from thinking of you being an actual girl." Gabriel said to calm her nerves down. "You know, if Martina is your fan then that makes most of the women across the world love you too."

"Am I that charming to girls too? Wow! And I truly do have a girl face." Sofia said and shrugged it off.

"You have an angels face, you're too likeable." Gabriel said and smiled down at her. "Think about it. Gianluca likes Martina, Martina likes you... you are very likeable. Which also means that now you are the one loved more than Gianluca."

Sofia frowned, not really following as she got only the attention of Gabriel saying that Gianluca liked Martina. "Wait, so Gianluca likes Martina?" She asked.

"Don't say this to anyone, it's supposed to be confidential. But Michele did say that there is something between Gian and Martina." Gabriel whispered this to her and her jaw dropped.

"Wow! And I thought they hated each other." Sofia said.

"Well, I don't think so. I mean Gianluca is a man and we should understand and supporr his love decisions." Gabriel told her. She only nodded and Gabriel went back to sit down.

"That's true, Gian is a man." Sofia told herself and then turned around to walk back to where she was talking with the others. She noticed how gorgeous Martina looked, but what caught her eye the most was a hair pin.

"Wow! She be any more prettier?" She amazed herself with Martina's beauty. She even admitted that she rocked that oversized girl shirt, un like her... when she tried one on and looked like one of those people in their white gowns in a mental hospital. "No wonder Gianluca liked girls like her."

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