Is This A Game?

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Sofia was shocked... Absolutely frozen in place as Gianluca's lips were on her. The tears still rolled down and got in between their touch. Gianluca gently grabbed her cheeks and he made the kiss more passionate.

She wanted to pull away but her entire body went weak. After what seemed like an eternity, Gianluca slowly pulled away. He opened his eyes and noticed that Sofia just stood there, her tears still falling down her cheeks.

Sofia bunked herself back and shrugged her nose, remembering what Gabriel had told her to do in times like this. Gianluca noticed and opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out. Suddenly, he felt nervous and began to nervously laugh, "Hahaha! Oh Sofia yo-you're funny."

Awkwardly, Gianluca turned and walked away, leaving a still frozen Sofia there. She finally felt her knees back to normal and looked over to where he had gone.

My perfect star just made my heart explode and tore it into millions of pieces. I'm afraid this could get me more confused than anything else. Is this a game? A game he's playing with me?

Meanwhile, Gianluca walked back into the building as fast as he could before his legs gave up on him. He fell to the floor, beside a small chair near the entrance of the building.

"Okay. Okay Gian, calm down. You were overly mad at her and you just reacted. But why in the world did I react like that? It's so not me." He told himself. A small squeeking sound was heard and he got surprised. "That must be Sofia. I need to leave."

He quickly got himself together and got up, leaving through the front of the building and out to his car.

Sofia walked in and gently sat in one of the chairs. She looked lost and she truly was. "There's so many fireworks going off in my heart." She sighed and suddenly felt her pocket vibrate.

She took out her phone and saw the screen. "It's Piero. Why is he calling me?" She tried to remember for a couple of seconds before she actually remembered. "Oh yeah! I was going to meet with him."

"Hello?" She answered.

"Jos, where are you?" Piero asked.

"I'm... Um, where am i?" She didn't know what to say.

"Are you alright?" He asked worriedly.

"I just... My heart is..." She stuttered.

"Jos, pull yourself together and tell me where you are. I'll go pick you up." Piero didn't hesitate and got up from his reserved table and ran out to his car.

Meanwhile Sofia hung up and decided to get up and go outside for some fresh air, but she couldn't. Her heart skipped beats and she thought she was going to faint.

"Man, I need to calm myself first. Some rest will do." She told herself and tried to get up again, walking slowly to the small lounge that was down the hall to her right. "I still don't get why he did that."

Up in the first floor... Ignazio lowered his head.


Sofia sat in her bed, her hair messed up, her mind off the planet. She had to go get up and be ready for Gabriel to go for her but she didn't want to leave her bed.

The images of Gianluca leaning on her were so vivid. Her heart skipped a beat once one but the result wasn't pleasant. A huge sob escaped her. "Why are you doing this to me?" She said before the biggest sigh left her body.

Tears fell and she threw the pillow she had been hugging. It crashed against a lap, breaking it in thousands of pieces. "Why?!" She shouted and covered her face as she cried in confusion.

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