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*Next Day*

It was 9 in the morning and the studio was at full blast. The piano was being played by Piero, Ignazio was in the drums, Jos happened to be running her finger down a guitar's cords, and Gianluca was testing the microphones.

"Everything is set." Gianluca said. "Let's practice. From the top."

"We're ready." Ignazio said as he sat in a stool and put on his headphones. Piero gave Gianluca a thumbs up and Jos only smiled.

Piero began to sing a part of one of the songs they were going to choose to sing. He wanted to test his microphone out for the sound.

Then Ignazio tested his microphone too by singing a part of Memory. Jos just did the most usual vocal warm up by singing "Do Re Mi." Gianluca only hummed in the microphone and then showed both his thumbs to Michele.

"Alright, let's begin officially." Michele said to them through the speaker andthey all nodded, getting in position. They began to sing Grande Amore, as that was the main song of their new album. Gianluca sang first, then Ignazio, Piero, and the chorus solo parts of all three, Jos was going to sing that.

Her part came and she a bit out of tempo and Gianluca said, "Wait stop, stop, stop! Jos, keep up with the tempo!" He practically shouted in the microphone and she only nodded, feeling embarrassed of him shouting at her in front of Michele.

She turned to her right and saw Ignazio, whom made her a fake gun with his fingers and shot her. She bit her bottom lip amd turned to her left. Piero mouthed 'You're doing good' and she slightly smiled and nodded.

"From the top again!" Gianluca shouted and signaled Michele to replay the music in their headphones. And he did.

The day was long and more busy than ever for the boys, yet for Sofia was even longer. Gianluca had shouted at her for the billionth time and Michele finally called it a break. The staff brought them tons of food for them to eat and get hydrated. They all sat in a table and ate. Ignazio fought with Gianluca as he didn't want to pass the green beans. Jos stuggled to open a bottle of iced tea and Piero offered his help.

She was about to have a sip but Ignazio took the bottle from her hands and drank it instead. She frowned but didn't do anything about it, instead she grabbed a piece of organic cheese pizza and took a bite. Gianluca saw this but ignored it, but what he saw was just too much for him.

Jos had pizza sauce and cheese all over her nose and the corner of her mouth. Piero laughed at her messiness yet Gian and Ignazio shrunk their noses in some kind of disgusted way.

The break finished and they continued with the rest of the songs. Of course, it wasn't all for the albums, it was mostly for the upcoming festival.

"Miiiaa..." Jos finished and Michele called it a wrap. The boys cheered and high fived each other. Sofia wanted ro high give Gianluca as the excitement of her good accomplishment wanted to join in. But he turned away and left, leaving her hanged up.

She noticed she got hanged and decided to high five herself and patted her back. "Let's go home. I need my bed." Ignazio said and all left the building.

*At the parking lot of the condo*

They all got off and by the entrance of the building, Gabriel and Barbara were waiting for and waving at the guys. They had carried a lot of goods and bags. Sofia noticed them and ran up to them. "Barbara! Gab... Madison! You're back!"

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